Syed Irfan Hussain Shah Saab Banned!

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by Ghulam, Dec 15, 2010.

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  1. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    Oct 3, 2007
    mawlana sayyid nai'muddin muradabadi once asked a'la hazrat the reason from him being so severe upon those who disrespected sayyiduna rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wa sallam). a'la hazrat replied, "o mawlana! i am severe upon those people, because instead of insulting sayyiduna rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wa sallam), they should rather make me the target for their insults. i do not have any interest in what they are calling me. at least, while they are busy insulting me, my beloved master, sayyiduna rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wa sallam) is spared from these insults."
  2. jasimisbest2

    jasimisbest2 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2007
    Brother KutturSunni,

    Shah Saab is well known to defend Sahabas and the true Shaan of Ahle Bait (not exgerrated like Shia's).

    Shah Saab speech message overall maybe correct in terms of aqeedah.

    But brother swearing in speeches is not correct.

    The YANABI crew memebr such as Qalm are known to be fasaadi, he has already contacted one member of Birmingham society lol. The Yanabi crew has some extremist members who will use this videot o get shah saab banned.

    The yanabi crew was jumping like monkeys when they found out that Shah Saab has been banned in Jhelum and Hifzbad, they thought it was due to Shah Saab speeches, well it was about speeches it was polticall pressure to get him banned because he exposed the liars in our society.

    If Banning people on Religous hatred is really true, how come no SHIA speakers are getting banned, how come Wahabi speakers are not getting banned who openly speak agaisnt Walis and Shia openly abuse Sahabas!!!!

    Yanabi crew will never pick on that.. theyare fasaadis and fitna maker, thats why QURSHEED ALUM from Ummah TV ripped them apart and even doubted if they are lovers of Ahle Bait, in presense of Zahid Rizvi Saab who also agreed, and it was obvious who called Yasir is Lion King, Husain is OE and other Mustafa (he is a brilliant brother, will not name him).

    ALLAH save us and unite us with haq.

  3. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    Jan 23, 2010
    I think the talk was fine.
    Tafdili's hate the video because of Shah Sahib defending Sahabah. Tafdili's do not like Abdullah bin Umar radiyAllahu anhuma and many other companions.
  4. jasimisbest2

    jasimisbest2 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2007
    Aslama o alykhum,

    Sha saab has been banned in district Gujrat.

    His previous two bans in other district have been lifted as they were mostly due to political pressure from Tahir Ul Qadris supporters.

    However YANABI have posted a video of YANABI SWEARING and saying words like Khuta, Harami etc.

    What are your thoughts about it?

    I am pro Syed Irfan hussain Shah saab, and I can also understand that Shah Saab gets angry regarding issues, but I am upset by this as Shah Saabs Ilm and knowledge of Islam is so great but this video is being used by Yanabi crew to doubt that he is even a Schlor!!

    please share your views

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