Separate names with a comma.
inna lillahi wa inaa ilehir raji'uoon
------------------------------------------- edited: no go. ----------------------------------------------
al-madayini, only when it suits you.
---------------- irrelevant comments edited ---------------- aH: a harmless thread of du'a was disrupted by you for no reason. just let us...
------------------------- red herring deleted. -------------------------- aH: you are diverting the issue as usual. just let us talk about...
-------------------- ubaid's fanciful interpretation deleted --------------------- aH: let us not deviate. i just want to know one thing:...
yes, it is from Muruj adh-dhahab . a propoganda speech to justify his rule and negate janab hazrat nafs az-zakiya(A)'s claim by attacking Imam...
قال المسعودي: ولما أخذ المنصور عبد الله بن الحسن وأخوته والنفر الذين كانوا معه من أهل بيته صعد المنبر بالهاشمية، فحمد الله واثنى عليه، وصلى على...
wholehearted thank you and JazakAllah khair. one more thing if its not too much trouble; where and how can i enable my keyborad to romanise arabic...
no, these are just some of the fabrications to malign Imam Hasan Mujtaba(alayhisalaam). divorcing and taking money were the allegations...
thank you abu hasan, can you please explain how to use or look for islamic books on or how it works. shukran jazilan.
Dara o sikandar se wo mard e faqir aula Ho jis ki faqiri mein bu e asadullahi
OK, suit yourselves, shah wali Allah sahib had also read those books!