1st English Sunni Conference - Bradford

Discussion in 'Events' started by Abu Hafsah, Jun 16, 2015.

1st English Sunni Conference
Start Date: Jun 13, 2015 07:00 PM
End Date: Jun 13, 2015 10:00 PM
Time Zone: Europe/London +01:00 BST

Hanfia Masjid
Ambler Street
Bradford BD8 8AW

Posted By: Aqdas

Confirmed Attendees: 3
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  1. Abu Hafsah

    Abu Hafsah New Member

  2. A_Wayfarer

    A_Wayfarer New Member

    Essēntiãl Reãding (not exhaustive) for Studēnts in Years 1 ãnd 2 ( Dãrs ē-Nizāmî)

    ✵ Äl-Shifā – Imãm Qadî Iyaãd (English)

    ✵ Mukhtãsar Ihya Ulum îl-Deēn – Imãm Ghãzalî (1 volume – English)

    ✵ Thē Reãlitîes of Sufîsm – Äbdul Qãdir Isā

    ✵ The Tēstimôny of Fāith – Shāykh Äbdullāh Sirāj’uddîn

    ✵ Our Māstēr Muhāmmād (alayhisalam) – Shāykh Äbdullāh Sirāj’uddîn

    ✵ The Compendium of Prophetic Beauty (Shama’il) – Eng. Translation by Muhāmmād Danyāl

    ✵ Izhar ul-Hāq – Shāykh Rahmatullah Kairānawi

    ✵ Thē Choicē (vol 1 and 2) – Shāykh Ahmed Deēdat
    ✵ Â Peacē to End All Pēace – Dāvid Fromkîn

    ✵ Thē Côrporātion – Joel Bakān

    ✵ Thē Puzzlē of God – Pēter Vārdy

    ✵ A Bēlievērs Guide to Fāsting – Shāykh Äbdullāh Sirāj’uddîn

    ✵ Gārden of the Gnostîcs – Imām āl-Nawāwi – Eng. Translation by Dr. Mustāpha āl-Badāwi

    ✵ Mēn and the Univērse – Dr. Mustāpha āl-Bādawi

    ✵ Arābs and Israēl Conflict or Concilîation – Shāykh Ahmed Deēdat

    ✵ The Hēbrews in Egypt – Dr. Māurice Bucaillē

    ✵ Why Britaîn Colonised Indîa, an Islamic Perspective

    ✵ The Muhāmmadān Light – GF Haddād

    ✵ The Refutātion of Him Ibn Taymiyyah by Ibn Jahbāl – (Eng. Translation by GF Haddād)

    ✵ The Prēamble to Faîth – Alā’Hazrat, Imām Ahmad Rîda Khan

    ✵ The Truth about a Lie – Abu Hāsan

    ✵ The Killer Mistake – Abu Hāsan

    ✵ Who is Ala’Hazrat – Abu Hasān

    ✵ The Encyclopaedîa of Islamic Doctrîne – Hishām Kabbani

    ✵ Albāni and His Friēnds – GF Hāddad

    ✵ The Ottôman Empîre – Colîn Imber

    ✵ On Schācht’s Origins of Mohāmmedan Jurisprudence – M.M Azmî

    ✵ Histôry of the Quranîc Text – M.M Azmî

    ✵ Hādith Literaturē – Zubair Siddiqui

    ✵ Sunnā Notēs (volumes 1,2 and 3) & The Four Imāms – GF Haddād

    ✵ Dārwin’s Black Box – Michāel Behē

    ✵ Four Argumēnts for the Eliminātion of Television – Jerry Mānder

    ✵ Evolutîon: A Theory in Crisis – Michāel Dentôn

    ✵ Jewîsh History, Jewish Religiôn – Israel Shāhak

    ✵ The Sîgns of the Day of Judgēment – Ibn Kāthir (English translation)

    ✵ The Autobiography of Mālcolm X

    ✵ Socrātic Logic – Peter Kreēft

    ✵ Cults in Our Mîdst – Margaret Singer

    ✵ Osmāns Drēam – Carolinē Finkēl

    ✵ Just Sîx Numbērs – Mārtin Reēs

    ✵ The Sabrēs of Paradise – Lesley Blānch

    ✵ The Refinēment of the Soul – Ibn Ata’illāh ãl-Sikandāri
    Ghulam Humza and Abu Aaminah like this.
  3. Abu Hafsah

    Abu Hafsah New Member

    I had heard Shaykh Asrar mentioned a reading list, I cant recall if he had mentioned it when he rang in Ummah Channel last week or was it on some social media site??
  4. Mohammed Wasim

    Mohammed Wasim AhistaChal

    Atheism and Islam
  5. Hashim Aftab

    Hashim Aftab New Member

    Jazākallāhu Khayr for the advice.

    Do you know what topic he covered?
  6. The Emir

    The Emir Well-Known Member

    Brother it doesn't cost anything to be a little more respectful and write at the least 'Mowlana Asrar'
    Mohammed Wasim likes this.
  7. Hashim Aftab

    Hashim Aftab New Member

    Did Asrar eventually get time to speak? If so, what did he speak about?
  8. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    Yes @ very badly timed. If a few brothers can speak to Imran Choudhry for next time...
    Mohammed Wasim likes this.
  9. Mohammed Wasim

    Mohammed Wasim AhistaChal

    Very badly timed event. Started at 7 and to this time the main speakers like Shaykh Asrar, Mufti Monnawar and Pir Saqib Shami have not spoken yet.
  10. Abu Aleshba

    Abu Aleshba Active Member

    InshaAllah will be there. We will be very fortunate to see such a qauntity of quality scholars in Bradford. MashaAllah. I hope the event is a success and the start of many more such conferences.

    Just wanted to mention there is also the Urs of Pir Syed Jamaat Ali Shah Sahib (ra) tomorrow 5pm (Sunday) at the same location. Topic will be the role of the late Sheikh in the creation of Pakistan.
  11. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  12. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  13. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    Featuring many of the leading English speaking Sunni scholars of the UK on one platform.

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