A lovely naat by a young unknown naatkhwaan.

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by SA01, Oct 4, 2007.

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  1. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    Beautiful Naat


    Ya Rasulallah unzar Haalana, Ya HabibAllah Isma Kaalana!!!

    Ya'Allah, for the Sake of your Beloved Rasool Salallahu alaihi wassalam, forgive us all, for we have sinned in abundance, knowingly and unknowingly, hidden and in secret. Ya'Allah, in this blessed month of Ramadhan, hear our pathetic and meagre voices that beg for your forgiveness and save us all from the Hellfire, for the sake of your Beloved, Your Most Perfect Creation, Aka e do Jahan, Ahmed - Mujtaba, Noor of the Worlds, Salallahu alaihi wasallam. For surely, your Rehmah is far greater than our sins.

    Aameen sum Aameen.
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    A very sweet, treble, voice and beautiful lyrics. subhan Allah!

    One verse says:

    Na hum jannat mein jaayenge, na hum dozakh mein jaayenge
    KhaRay dekha karengay hashr mein soorat Muhammad ki! :)صلى الله عليه وسلم:)

    We will not enter Paradise, we will not enter Hell
    On the plain of Judgement Day we will remain gazing at Sayyidina Muhammad! صلى الله عليه وسلم

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2007

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