A soft spot for Arabs

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by SuleimanalMuslim, Jul 27, 2011.

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  1. sorry! my mistake -- not sure how that crept into there!
  2. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Don't you mean specially those who ARE wahabi, brother?
  3. A fair number of Arabs are racist against the saadah and shurafa', especially those who are not wahhabi. There are hundreds of forum threads which bear testimony to this sad fact.
  4. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    If one has a soft spot for Sunni Arabs, then he must have a softer spot for Sayyids/Sharifs.
  5. Bihamdillahi Tabaarak wa Ta'ala A'ala Hadrat has written a beautiful risaalah on the issue of Nasb.

    Aap ise zarur pardhein

    Fadilah of Ancestry by Shaykh Imam Ahmad Rida al Qadri
    Irā’atu’l Adab Li Fāđili’n Nasab
    Published by Admin on 2008/7/5 (2011 reads)

    Page: (1) 2 3 4 ... 82 »
    إراءة الأدب لفاضل النسب
    فضیلت نسب کے شرعا معتبر ہونے یا نہ ہونے کا بیان


    Page: (1) 2 3 4 ... 82 »
  6. Sayyiduna RasulAllah sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam said:

    Love the Arabs for three (reasons)
    1 I am an Arab
    2 The Qur'an is in Arabic
    3 The language of paradise is Arabic

    al Bayhaqi Baab fi T'azeem al Nabi sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam Hadith no. 161 V 2 P 230
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  7. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, has himself said in Sahih Hadith that many of the people of fitnah who call to the doors of hell shall be Arabs too and "they shall speak our language". He has also said that people of our ummah shall follow christians and jews span by span into the lizard's hole.

    There are christian and jew Arabs too.

    Arabs who are Sunnis and maintain their culture and tradition truly are the best people and deserve every bit of adoration from their fellow ajam Muslims. There are plenty of them in these times too and I have been lucky and blessed to know some.

    Those who are black american gangsta-rap-star wannabes, and there are plenty of them, I'm talking about not just Palestinian teenagers but adults too - they are a sad lot at best who can only be pitied, but I'd still pick them over the duniya engrossed desis anyday.

    The najdi and qaradawi influenced "I can do the same ijtihad Abu Hanifa and Ash-Shafi3i did" in deen and nauseatingly arrogant and pretentious in duniya are worthy of nothing but a Sunni Muslim's scorn. And the shias, well, they're a class of their own! The Arabs living in the west who have lost the plot with deen, are not even worth mentioning.
  8. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    There is no absolute superiority of an 'Arab over a non-'Arab and vice versa. Also to me, the 'Arabs are the best of peoples on earth. Culture, beauty, majesty, voice, learning, jehaad, eloquence, grace, family

    Our Habeeb salAllahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam was given the best nation, the 'Adnani 'Arabs.

    Their language is the language of jannat. I love them dearly, and I consider myself an 'arab because of this [like many other local Sunni Iranians]
  9. khadim.awliya

    khadim.awliya Banned

    i think the narration whoever spoke arabic is arabi is found in Ibn Asakir's tarikh and it is sound narration.
  10. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    there is a hadith, isn't there, 'have love for arabs for i am an arab'?

    just to reiterate sherkhan's point: this applies to sunni arabs and not the najdis. belief is first, not one being a arab.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
  11. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    Not sure, if that's a universally accepted definition. Fact that (in my above excerpts), bedouins are treated as distinct, though somewhat-similar group to Arabs, makes me believe that mere Arabic speech doesn't make one an Arab.

    At the same time, Arabic speaking itself commands respect since it is the language of our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم , the langauge of the holy Qur'an and the language of the Malaika Ikram (and also the langauge spoken during the day of Qiyamah and in the Jannah). There's possibly a hadith to this effect, but I can't find any reference.
  12. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    If you speak Arabic, you are an Arab. So, if you speak Arabic, and adopt an Arab lifestyle [tribal], you are an Arab.

    I will give you an example. In Iran we had the Turkish-Mongol tribe Qaraghalou. They settled in the areas south of Baghdad in Hillah province. They are a sizeable Arab tribe now of Turkish-Mongol origins, because they speak Arabic and have intermarried into the other tribes surrounding them. They have given their daughters in marriage to the other Sunni tribes.

    Many other kurdish, turkish, mongol clans have similarly assimilated totally into the Iraqi and Syrian populations. To be an Arab, one just has to speak Arabic and adopt one of the various Arab cultures that have formed over the centuries spanning from Morocco to Oman.
  13. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    It is stated in AlaHazrat Imam Ahmad Raza's Anwar-ul-Bisharah fi Masaa'il-e-Hajj wal Ziyarah that during the hajj pilgrimage "the Bedouins and rustic Arabs (Sunnis) should be shown leniency and sympathy. Do not object to their actions, particularly those living in the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina (known as Haramain Shareefain). For this, there is promise of Shafa'at (Intercession) of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. One should not criticize the behaviour of the Arabs nor bear ill-feelings against them. There is blessing of both the world in this."

    On a similar note, in his book on hajj Rafeeq ul-Harmain, Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat Mawlana Ilyas Attari states that "you should display patience with the Arabs even with the Bedouins. If they behave unfairly, still you should display patience. Our Beloved Prophet Nabi Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم will certainly seek pardon for those who have displayed patience with the people of Arabia. Do not show disdain at their behavior or action and do not think bad of them. However, if some of them possess false beliefs you should dislike them and display extreme dislike."
  14. khadim.awliya

    khadim.awliya Banned

    ( بغض بني هاشم والأنصار كفر وبغض العرب نفاق )

    hatred of bani hashim and ansar is kufr and hatred of arabs is nifaq

    as for the hadith love of arab from eman is weak

    حدثني علي بن حمشاد العدل ، أنبأ أبو مسلم إبراهيم بن عبد الله ، أن معقل بن مالك حدثهم قال :
    ثنا الهيثم بن حماد ، عن ثابت ، عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :
    " حب العرب إيمان وبغضهم نفاق ".

    قال الحاكم : هذا حديث صحيح الإسناد ولم يخرجاه .

    قال الذهبي في التلخيص : الهيثم ( بن حماد ) متروك ، ومعقل ( بن مالك ) ضعيف .
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
  15. :s1:

    I confess to having a soft spot for Arabs even though some of them look down upon my people from the Subcontinent. This is because Our Master صلى الله عليه وسلم was an Arab, indeed the best of Arabs and Non Arabs, and also the majority of the Salaf incl Sahaba and Ahle Bayt were Arabs and so I always forgive them for any wrongs they might do me. I've noticed this attitude in a lot of Barelvis. I was delighted to read in the Malfuzat of Ala Hazrat a Hadith that said " hubb al Arab min al imaan. " love of the Arabs is from imaan.

    I wonder if any other brothers have the same attitude.

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