Age of Sayyidah A'ishah when she got married to our Beloved Prophet peace be upon him

Discussion in 'Seerat ar-Rasul' started by Umar99, Mar 9, 2018.

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  1. snaqshi

    snaqshi Active Member

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    I have debated many christians and ati-mulsims on this issue, I have quite a big reasource on christian debates that i have collected over the past 5 years debating christians on christianity and their anti0-muslem rehtoric. here are some of the proofs i have used on this issue:

    • Major point to draw attention to is "where in the qur'an does it say you are allowed to marry a female that has not reached the age of maturity?" In fact the Qur'an draws us to the fact that they must have reach an age of maturity and responsibility in their affairs:

    وَٱبْتَلُواْ ٱلْيَتَامَىٰ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغُواْ النِّكَاحَ فَإِنْ آنَسْتُمْ مِّنْهُمْ رُشْداً فَٱدْفَعُواْ إِلَيْهِمْ أَمْوَالَهُمْ
    Try, test, well the orphans, before reaching maturity with regard [the duties of] religion and [before] they can [legally] manage their own affairs, until they reach the age of marrying, that is, until they have become eligible for it through puberty or [legal] age... [Qur'an 4:6]

    • The argument used by many christians and anti-muslim agenda's present hadeeth narrated reported only by Hisham ibn `urwah reporting on the authority of his father. An event so well known (marriage of the beloved of Allah sallahu alayhi was sallam), should logically have been reported by more people than just one, two or three.
    • It is quite strange that no one from Madinah, where Hisham ibn `urwah lived the first seventy one years of his life has narrated the event, even though in Madinah his pupils included people as well known as Malik ibn Anas. All the narratives of this event have been reported by narrators from Iraq, where Hisham is reported to have had shifted after living in Madinah for seventy one years.
    • Tehzibu'l-tehzib, one of the most well known books on the life and reliability of the narrators of the traditions of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) reports that according to Yaqub ibn Shaibah: "narratives reported by Hisham are reliable except those that are reported through the people of Iraq". It further states that Malik ibn Anas objected on those narratives of Hisham which were reported through people of Iraq. (vol 11, pg 48 - 51)
    • Mizanu'l-ai`tidal, another book on the narrators of the traditions of the Prophet (sallahu alayhi was sallam) reports that when he was old, Hisham's memory suffered quite badly. (vol 4, pg 301 - 302)
    • According to the generally accepted tradition, Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha was born about eight years before Hijrah. But according to another narrative in Bukhari (kitabu'l-tafseer) Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha is reported to have said that at the time of Surah Al-Qamar, the 54th chapter of the Qur'an, was revealed, "I was a young girl". The 54th surah of the Qur'an was revealed nine years before Hijrah. According to this tradition, Ayesha (ra) had not only been born before the revelation of the referred surah, but was actually a young girl (jariyah), not an infant (sibyah) at that time. Obviously, if this narrative is held to be true, it is in clear contradiction with the narratives reported by Hisham ibn `urwah.
    • According to a number of hadeeth, Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha) accompanied the Muslims in the battle of Badr and Uhud. Furthermore, it is also reported in books of hadeeth and history that no one under the age of 15 years was allowed to take part in the battle of Uhud. All the boys below 15 years of age were sent back. Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha participation in the battle of Badr and Uhud clearly indicate that she was not nine or ten years old at that time. After all, women used to accompany men to the battle fields to help them, not to be a burden on them.
    • According to almost all the historians Sayyidah Asma bint Abi Bakr radi allahu ta'ala anha the elder sister of Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha was ten years older than Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha. It is reported in Taqri'bu'l-tehzi'b as well as Al-bidayah wa'l-nihayah that Sayyidah Asma radi allahu ta'al anha died in 73 hijrah when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Sayyida Asma radi alahu ta'ala naha was 100 years old in 73 hijrah she should have been 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah. If Sayyida Asma Radi allahu ta'ala anah was 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah, Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha should have been 17 or 18 years old at that time. Thus, Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha if she got married in 1 AH (after hijrah) or 2 AH, was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage.
    • Tabari in his treatise on Islamic history, while mentioning Sayyidina sadeeqi Akbar radi allkahu ta'ala anho reports that sadeeqi Akbar radi allahu ta'ala anho had four children and all four were born during the Jahiliyyah -- the pre Islamic period. If Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha was born in the period of jahiliyyah, she could not have been less than 14 years in 1 AH -- the time she most likely got married.
    • According to Ibn Hisham, the historian, Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha accepted Islam quite some time before Umar ibn Khattab radi allahu ta'ala anho This shows that Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha accepted Islam during the first year of Islam. While, if the narrative of Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha marriage at seven years of age is held to be true, Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha should not have been born during the first year of Islam.
    • According to a narrative reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, after the death of Ummul mumineen Sayyidah Khadijatul Kubra radi allahu ta'ala anha, when kaulah raddi allahu ta'ala anha came to the Prophet sallaahu alayhi was sallam advising him to marry again, the Prophet sallahu alayhi was salam asked her regarding the choices she had in her mind. Khaulah said: "You can marry a virgin (bikr) or a woman who has already been married (thayyib)". When the Prophet sallahu alayhi was salam asked about who the virgin was, Khaulah radi allahu ta'ala anha proposed Umm al Mu'mineen sayyidah Ayesha radi allahu ta'ala anha name. All those who know the Arabic language, are aware that the word "bikr" in the Arabic language is not used for an immature nine year old girl. "Bikr" is used for an unmarried lady, and obviously a nine year old is not a "lady".
    I hope that helps, Allah knows best

    Fii imaanullah
  2. Lonely_Mountain

    Lonely_Mountain Active Member

    Does this link help?

  3. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    If the Nikaah took place in 620 CE, it means that the Nikaah (not the consummation)
    (1) took place in Makkah shareef,
    (2) before the Migration.
    (3) and the Holy Prophet was 50 years old.

    All historians agree that the consummation took place a maximum of 3 years after the Nikaah. So then, (if we take 620 CE) the consummation:---
    (1) took place in Makkah shareef, (incorrect - it took place in Medina Shareef)
    (2) before the Migration. (incorrect - it is after the migration. Hijrah took place when the Prophet was 53 years)
    (3) and the Holy Prophet was 52 years old.(so still before Hijrah)
  4. ottoman

    ottoman Veteran

    Aisha radiallahu anha was 18 years old when Muhammad alaiyhsalam passed away.
  5. ottoman

    ottoman Veteran

    according to scholars, Aisha raiallahu anh was 9 years old.
  6. sunnistudent

    sunnistudent Veteran

    Traditional scholars, historians and muhaddith do not agree to what has been posted above. Shaykh Gibril has refuted these claims and is available on internet.
  7. ghulam-e-raza

    ghulam-e-raza Well-Known Member

    What was the age of Sayyidah A'ishah when she got married to our Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him)


    After looking at various references regarding the age of our beloved mother Sayyidah A'ishah (Allah is pleased with her) at the time of her nikah with the best of all men (peace be upon him), i understand that she was 16-17 years old, and not 6; and the marriage was later solemnised when she was 19 years old and not 9.

    The nikah took place 10 years after the announcment of prophethood in 620 CE and Ibn Hisham in his Seerah writes that Sayyidah A'ishah along with Sayyiduna Ali (Allah is pleased with them both) were the first children to accept Islam. This would mean Sayyidah A'ishah had been born before the announcement of prophethood.

    According to some of the Historians, she was born in 605 CE which means she was around 15-16 years old at the time of Hijrah and 19 when moved in with the Prophet (peace be upon him).

    Most historians have said she passed away at the age of 67 and Imam Al-Usfuri and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal have recorded that she passed away 50 years after Hijrah, 672 CE. If you do the maths, it should tell us the age of Sayyidah A'shah (Allah is pleased with her) at the time of birth and then marriage too.

    And verily Allah knows best.

    Zahid Hussain Al-Qadri
    (Beggar at the doorstep of Scholars)

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