Ahlu'l Bayt

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by A Daleel, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. A Daleel

    A Daleel Guest

    heres a reply by his eminence hadret sayyed madani mian ashrafi may allah bless him

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  2. Misbah al-Hidaya

    Misbah al-Hidaya Active Member

    Dear Brothers, Panjtan paak or the five purified ones are the misdaq of ayah tatheer and this special status was manifested by the same five in practical terms at the grounds of Mubahala; which is known as aayah mubahala. furthermore, mubahala verse states that curse be upon the kazibeen 'liars' which is the opposite of 'sadiqeen' truthful and logical principle 'toraful ashiya'o be azdadiha' things are known by their opposites therefore 'be with the truthful' tafseer of Qoran bil Qoran clearly means the panjtan paak.

    anyway, as for the above discussion by Molana Irfan sahib and Molana Asad sahib, well, below is the VERDICT of Imam Tahawi (d. 321 AH) the same person who wrote aqeeda tahawiyya and belongs to the classical period and is an authority in hadith and fiqh and aqeeda...he writes in mushkil al-aathaar after presenting ALL ahadith about occasion of revelation of this aayah tatheer. His judgement is based on the method of tafseer mazui(topical exegesis). not isolated hadith here and there as is the way of the molanas....nevertheless, it is true that there is difference of opinion amongst ahley sunnah but being sunni, if one holds the same opinion as Imam Abu Jafar Tahawi that ayah tatheer is ONLY for panjtan paak then there is nothing wrong with this opinion as it would also be from ahley sunnah. The following is from mushkil al-aathaar and i leave it to those learned here to translate exactly what is the verdict of the Imam:

    @ 247 @ الأحاديث في أول هذا الباب معقول بها من أهل الآية المتلوة فيها لأنا قد أحطنا علما أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لما دعا من دعا من أهله عند نزولها لم يبق من أهلها المرادين فيها أحدا سواهم وإذا كان ذلك كذلك استحال أن يدخل معهم فيما أريدت به سواهم وفيما ذكرنا من ذلك بيان ما وصفنا فإن قال قائل فإن كتاب الله تعالى يدل على أن أزواج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم هم المقصودون بتلك الآية لأنه قال قبلها في السورة التي هي فيها يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك إن كنتن إلى قوله يا نساء النبي لستن إلى قوله الجاهلية الأولى فكان ذلك كله يردن به لأنه على خطاب النساء لا على خطاب الرجال ثم قال إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس الآية فكان جوابنا له أن الذي تلاه إلى آخر ما قبل قوله إنما يريد الله الآية خطاب لأزواجه ثم أعقب ذلك بخطابه لأهله بقوله تعالى إنما يريد الله ليذهب الآية فجاء على خطاب الرجال لأنه قال فيه ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم وهكذا خطاب الرجال وما قبله فجاء به بالنون وكذلك خطاب النساء فعقلنا أن قوله إنما يريد الله ليذهب الآية خطاب لمن أراده من الرجال بذلك ليعلمهم تشريفه لهم ورفعته لمقدارهم أن جعل نساءهم من قد وصفه لما وصفه به مما في الآيات المتلوات قبل الذي خاطبهم به تعالى وما دل على ذلك أيضا

    @ 248 @ ما قد
    حدثنا ابن مرزوق
    حدثنا روح بن عبادة ثنا حماد بن سلمة عن علي بن زيد عن أنس أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا خرج لصلاة الفجر يقول الصلاة يا أهل البيت إنما يريد الله الآية وما قد
    حدثنا ابن مرزوق ثنا أبو عاصم النبيل عن عبادة قال أبو جعفر وهو ابن مسلم الفزاري من أهل الكوفة قد روى عنه أبو نعيم قال حدثني أبو داود قال أبو جعفر وهو نفيع الهمداني الأعمى من أهل الكوفة أيضا قال حدثني أبو الحمراء قال صحبت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تسعة أشهر كان إذا أصبح أتى باب فاطمة عليها السلام فقال السلام عليكم أهل البيت إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت الآية وفي هذا أيضا دليل على أهل هذه من هم وبالله التوفيق
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2007
  3. Abu Zain'al'Abideen

    Abu Zain'al'Abideen New Member

  4. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    i went to two talks yesterday, one by mawlana sa'eed ahmad as'ad and the other sayyid 'irfan shah mash'hadi.

    mashaAllah both beautiful and informative talks. coincidentally they both talked about who the ahlu'l bayt are.

    they said that ahlus sunnah believe the ummahatu'l mu'mineen are the ahlu'l bayt and also 'ali, fatima, hasan and husain radiyallahu ta'ala anhum.

    they both said that the verse that talks about removing filth from ahlu'l bayt and purifying should be read in its context. those verses that come before and after this verse are talking about the mothers of the believers. hence, to exclude them from ahlu'l bayt is stupidity and hatred.

    shi'a only believe in panj tan paak [apparently] and khariji only in ummahatu'l mu'mineen [apparently] but ahlus sunnah believe they are both part of ahlu'l bayt.

    the wahabi scholar, waheed uz zaman, says that 'ankum is male tense and obviously ummahatu'l mu'mineen are female. so he objects that this verse cannot refer to them. mawlana as'ad said hazrat sara wife of ibrahim 'alaihis salam is also called ahlu'l bayt and 'ankum is used for her. he said 'ankum is mudhakkar but it is for the words ahlu'l bayt which are mudhakkar not ummahatu'l mu'mineen which are mu'annath.

    sayyid 'irfan shah said that the hadith which mentions the shawl and 'ali, fatima, hasan and husain being covered by it, this event occurred in the house of umm salma. she asked sayyidina rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam, "what about me?" our master 'alaihis salam said "you are from this house anyway" and shah sahib said that the shia cannot even translate a hadith. he mentioned that DM digital has nobodies on there who translate the hadith incorrectly and say that this meant "stay in your place" but it actually means "you are from this house anyway" [you are ahlu'l bayt for sure].

    shah sahib also said that the Qur'an says the mothers of the believers are not like any other woman in the world. this is because they are the wives of aaqa 'alaihis salam. if they arent like anyone, how is aaqa sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam? he said they are the best women in the world.

    one guy objected in one mahfil to shah sahib that the Qur'an says "if you leave them then We shall give you a better woman". he said if ummahtul mumineen are best, how can Allah say I will give you better? shah sahib said they ARE the best but the Qur'an says "IF..." and this is the answer. IF aaqa leaves someone, then any woman in the world is better than her who aaqa leaves but if he doesnt leave them, then they are the best in the world.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007

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