Ala Hazrat: Ash'ari or Maturidi?

Discussion in 'Biographical Notes' started by Shihāb Dīn, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. Shihāb Dīn

    Shihāb Dīn New Member

    A'la Hazrat was a māturīdī, as are all Hanafīs. but it should be noted that the two schools differ only in peripheral matters; their basic creedal axioms are identical.


    for example, tāj alDīn alSubkī - the father of taqī alDīn alSubkī - commented that the TaHawiyyah was a creed for both ash'arīs and māturīdīs; with a limited number of points of difference*.

    ghunaymī in his commentary on the TaHawiyyah briefly touches on this in the introduction.


    * the difference is in delivery and not necessarily in validity. the first few discussions in qārī's SharH Fiqh Akbar make for a good primer for anyone new to this field of kalām.

    Allāh knows best
  2. YaMustafa

    YaMustafa Well-Known Member

    which school did did the Imam follow?

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