brother sometime emotions can overtake what person say... I am sure the brother doesnt mean to nuke every muslim but just Assadm which is impossible to but its just a term used to describe how bad you wana get rid of that evil Ba****d.
Actually it's neither. It's called being clueless of what strategy is. It's called supreme tactical stupidity to the bone. What you're saying is that you'd nuke those very Muslims, the victims of this animal, along with him, only to take him out. So if you nuke away both the zalim and his mazloom victims, what exactly are you left with, and how exactly have you defended the mazloom from his zulm? You've just wiped them off! Do yourself a favor and NEVER join the army. The example you're giving is similar to a person saying - "if some robbers jumped into my parents house and were robbing them at gunpoint, occasionally hitting and slapping them, I'd throw a grenade through the window just to nab the bastards for disrespecting and robbing my parents, and I couldn't care less if my parents too got killed in the grenade attack, as long as the robbers are killed. And of course all this is because I love and respect my parents and care for them and have a conscience!". I am not speaking from a moral high ground or suggesting you don't have a conscience and I do or who is pious with taqwa or something of that sort. I am speaking purely from a common sense, tactical and strategic point of view! You certainly don't have a 'conscious' bro
I don't apologise for that. If someone has no feeling in their hearts and cannot think beyond 'oh but it is still better than the West' what can I say? If I was the POTUS or Pakistan I'd give Assad 24 hours to hand himself oveĀ“r--otherwise tactical nukes would get dropped on everywhere I suspected him of hiding. Its not called mad. Its called having a conscious.
I pray to ALLAH that ASSAD meets worse fate then Saddam and Gaddafi.... To the YAPIR crew when we aks for revenge it is SUNNI hatred..?? SubhanALLAH YAPIR you really to kiss shia;s back side.... The Shia Alwaites are purposely killing the Sunnis in Syria as they know if the Sunnis come in Power all the Shia controlled Mazar which they have occupied and made it so pro iranian Mazar will be over taken by Sunnis, NO MATTER WHAT it will happen we SUnnis will contorll all teh MAZAARs in SYRIA and all AHLUL BAYT Mazars belong to Sunnis.. The killing is a deperate act by the terrorist army of Assad to save itself... the Iranian are purposely backing this tyrant, hence INSHALLAH the IRANIAN will to meet the same fate in hands of Isreal and America , no one can stop it... IRAN and SYRIA have tried to opress Sunnis and will meet there fate... just like Saddam tried to opress Shia;s by killing them and Gaddafi by killing innocent Sunnis/Shia;s met his fate..... these tyrants will meet the same fate for killing innocent people...... its a shame that Isreal and America and UK will get rid of them.... WE muslims should be strong enought o bring these bastards down ourselve..... AHLE SUNNAH will stay forever, HAQ never vanished, HAQ can be opressed for some time but it will always come back and destroy the falsehood... History is witness to this.... Read how Our Prophet Mohammed swas from Madinah after 10 years of zulm decided to wage a war and dfeated the so called TOUGHEST ARMY!!!! YA ALI MADAD
astaghfirullah. I hope they kill that SOB and his entire family but before killing him he should be raped with a blunt object. This is SICK and I still cannot believe people on here are saying, 'No, no no...he is still better than the Americans and the no no to Nato invasion...' Well, you know what? I hope the USA/NATO/Turkey/whoever does whatever it takes to remove this son of a loose-woman and his regime...and if it m(eans nuking both Damascus and Tehran (his main backers) so be it...
extremely graphic of muslim women and children the women were in full hijab children shot in the face hezbulla wanted this