Allama Tahir Al Patni and Mawlid

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by sunnistudent, Jun 5, 2010.

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  1. sunnistudent

    sunnistudent Veteran

    Allama Muhammed bin Tahir al Hindi al Patni RH ( died 986 AH) was a great scholar of hadith. His most famous work is majma’ Bihar Al Anwar which is a book dealing with the glossary of hadith.

    He writes

    “By the help/grace of Allah, the last third of the voluminous book titled ‘’Majma Bihar Al Anwar “has been accomplished on the twelfth night of the month of delight, and bliss, light and mercy, the month of rabi al awwal, a month wherein we are commanded to show our delight every year.


    Plz Note: scan can be seen at the above link

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