Aqida Tahawi & Aqida Nasafi

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by Juwayni, Apr 16, 2016.

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  1. Saeed Malik

    Saeed Malik Active Member


    Brothers few days back i came across a course regarding Aqida Tahawiyyah by Shaykh Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed. Though I know the text is far more intense and advanced for my limited knowledge/understanding. I still want to pursue it as it's a part of legacy of Ahlus sunnah.

    when i searched on net i only came across deobandiyyah/salafiyyah/modernist interpretation/lectures on this text.

    I was wondering if other scholars of Ahlus sunnah wal jama'ah have also given detailed explanations/lectures on these texts for laymen like myself.

    Aqida Tahawi and Aqida Nasafi are considered as core texts of Ahlus sunnah and spreading this knowledge to the masses is the need of the hour.

    I would appreciate if learned brothers can share some related information.

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