" I emailed the Raza Academy SA (www.raza.org.za ) and Alhamdulillah brother Yunus Karrim informed me that Eng. translation of At tahqiqat will be published shortly insha Allah ameen." Any update on the above?
It can be downloaded from the link mentioned in this link http://sunniport.com/masabih/showthread.php?t=9386
maaf the book is 'Manifestations of the Moon of Prophethood صلى الله عليه وسلم.' and not Manifestations on the Moon, that I mentioned above
SubhaanAllah I've been dying to read this book since I heard about it from I think Zahoor Afsar's bio on A'la Hazrat R.A. like 4 or 5 years ago. I emailed the Raza Academy SA (www.raza.org.za ) and Alhamdulillah brother Yunus Karrim informed me that Eng. translation of At tahqiqat will be published shortly insha Allah ameen. By the way many English books published by Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre under Molana Afthab Cassim Razvi including Manifestations on the Moon, Chain of Light Vol. 1 and 2, Discourses of Muhaddith e Kabeer, Bahare Shariat, Book on A'la Hazrat R.A, Biography of Mufti Azam e Hind, Proper Sunnhi Beliefs, Biography of Lion of Ahle Sunnat Molana Hashmat Ali Khan R.A., and a book on Hazrat Taajush Shariah Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan's trip to Syria at: www.noori.org/ebooks.html
does anyone know where I can get a download of a published (pdf) edition of Ismail Dehlawi's Edaah al-Haqq. We urgently require it for referencing citations from al-taHqiqat.
Al hamdulillah. After a week of persistently being a pain. It paid off with Shaykh Abdul Hadi agreeing to translate the work into English for publication. He informed me this afternoon that he completed the translation. May Allah bless him for his efforts.
I am sorry , that was the wrong/ corrupted link. Here is the correct link http://www.mediafire.com/?4b0awra32bdo3dh
This copy is hard to read. Is it possible to print it out in a clear form? It would be good if someone could cut up the scans and make them clearer.
I don't know how the link has stopped working. It was fine till a few days back. Here is the new link http://www.mediafire.com/?s0paczz69rdayh1
does anyone have access to the Arabic translation? Some brothers will get it translated into English if the Arabic version can be scanned and uploaded.
i read it recently and it's an excellent reply to the lies of al-muhannad. it is only 23 pages but covers the deceit of the deobandis comprehensively. the deobandis must answer this book before throwing about baseless allegations.
I have just learnt that the book HAS been translated into Arabic by the late Mufti Ghulam Sarwar al-Qadiri alayhir Rahmah.
Book name :at-taHqiqat li daf' al-talbisat [ 23 pages,Urdu] Author : Sayed Muhammad Na'eem al-Din Muradabadi [ Rh] Topic: Showing the lies of Deobandi [ Al Muhannad etc] File : 2.05 MB [.rar] Download link http://www.mediafire.com/?hc5i5lk4816efxy