attacks on the ITS

Discussion in 'Bickering' started by junaid7861, Mar 1, 2015.

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  1. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Khandia Sahib is with Habib Umar who is pro tablighi jamaat
  2. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    if I'm not mistaken, it was burhan khandia's father, qari ismayil, upon whose behest allama arshad wrote tablighi jama'at or another important work.
  3. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran


    I know Usama Canon personally. He doesn't know me though.

    Usama Canon has the potential to be the most genuine among all the HY conglomerate. At one point i thought about what this good guy is doing among these people making a business out of the Deen. If anyone among the HY group has the chance to change and really benefit Western Muslims, then it is Usama Canon.

    I hope and pray that Allah changes his heart and moves him away from his teacher HY and his other teacher Zaid Shakir. Brothers in the UK should debate Usama Canon or meet him privately and show him the bid'ah of HY, Shaykh bin Bayyah, Shaykh Ali Juma, and see if he responds.

    He has the potential to leave sullah kullism. It is rarely that they put him out for a tour. He is the only one that stayed away from the money laundering of these people and did not sell Deen to make money. But people change over time.
  4. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
  5. A_Wayfarer

    A_Wayfarer New Member

    I think one problem you definitely need to sort out is segregation, too much free-mixing for an islamic platform

    Jazakallah Khair
    Brother Barry likes this.
  6. junaid7861

    junaid7861 New Member

    Assalamu alaykum, bismillah I hope you are all well and in the best of imaan. Bismillah there have been attacks on the ITS based upon faulty information, if any brother wishes to discuss certain things with me about the ITS, I am at University of Bradford, I welcome, however let me make this clear to you here and now, we are not sullah kulli, neither are my teachers students of Mufti Fazal Bandalwi, Mufti Shamsul Huda and Mufti Hassan Raza.

    Bismillah I cannot admit there was certain events done, however that was due to a previous divided council.

    Bismillah about our dealings with the madani society, please talk to the original founder and president, BTW that wasn't Hafiz Usman.

    Bismillah can anyone tell me why Imaam Khalid Hussain has been branded Sullah Kulli? (genuine question)

    Harris786 likes this.
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