Awadh (Oudh)

Discussion in 'Tarikh' started by abu Hasan, Nov 9, 2007.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    wa tilka'l ayyamu nudawiluha bayn an-nas.
    and these are days (of varying fortune) that we give to men by turns.

    from imam razi's tafsir:

    qaffal said 'mudawalah' means change of a thing from one state to another. it is said, 'tadawalat-hu'l aydi' / changed hands, that is when it is transferred from one hand to another.

    like it is said in the verse: kay la yakuna dulatan bayna'l aghniya'yi minkum. [hashr, v.7] / so that it [charity] does not merely change hands between the wealthy among you. that is, you will merely exchange it [between the rich] and not share it with the poor and needy.

    it is said 'the world is transitionary' because it [favor and fortune] changes from a people to another; and then from them to yet others.

    it is said: 'time has changed him in such a manner', when a person transits towards it.

    the meaning is: that the [fortune in the] days in this world are interchanging, shifting amongst people such that circumstances are not everlasting - whether good fortune or adversity. on a day, one might find happiness while his enemy is in affliction; and another day it might be completely opposite. nothing remains permanently in its state nor does its influence or impact abide forever.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2007
    Nur al Anwar likes this.
  2. i dont think u r being fair. the lot of the common man was better under the mughal rule than it ever was once the Raj was established especially post 1857...before the Brits came India had c. 22% of the entire world's GDP -- by the beginning of the 20th it was rapidly becoming a 3rd world country...
  3. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    well in many ways our rulers were tyrants of another kind. not only were they unjust to the non muslim populace but to muslim people as well.

    the whole zamindari and mansabdari system which was the blood and soul of the system was based on favoritsm of an elect few, everyone else was poor.

    the chronicles of the finesse of the aadaab of the palaces hides tales of stark inequality amongst the ruled and the rulers.
    Nur al Anwar likes this.
  4. jazak Allah for this. It makes heart-rending reading: tales of former aristocrats and princesses reduced to prostitution for sums as low as 500 rupees to kafir business whom would formerly not even dare to utter their names, of the dilapadation of the former palaces, mosques and other shrines, of the wilful neglect speak of Muslim impotence in Awadh post Independence. The eyes shed tears and the heart is rent asunder! Ya Allah! Karam kar! Have Mercy!
  5. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    Traces yes, but culture, the short answer is no. read this

    and while you are at it, though not related to awadh, this one too
  6. The former princely state of Awadh, ruled by kings such as Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, was famous for its exquisite and decadent culture of fine food, kathak dancing girls, exquisite manners and great command of Urdu language. Also it is said that most of the Muslims in it were Shia.
    Is this true? Are there any famous scholars from Awadh? Are any traces of the famous Awadhi (Lakhnawi-- Lucknowi) culture still to be found?

    What kind of rulers were Nawab Wajid Ali Shah etc. The name makes it sound like he was from a dynasty of sayyids? Is this true>?

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