Salām, brother. I was wondering whether you've made any progress with the translation? Even if you have something rudimentary, I'd like to have a read, as I can't find a translation of this kalām anywhere on the 'net - you can PM it to me if you don't want to make it public. Looking forward to receiving something shortly!
Jazākallāhu Khayr, brother aH. I appreciate you might be time-strapped, but it would be good to see a translation/commentary for this kalām on here some day, with references to Qur'ān and Ḥadīth. No pressure! ;-p
good effort unbeknown. apologies for tweaking your lines, and (possibly) breaking your rhyme. ------------------ banda milne ko qareeb-e-hazrat-e-Qadir gaya lam'a-e-baaTin mein gumney jalwa-e-zaahir gaya To meet the Almighty, His blessed slave hath went To meld in splendour unseen, the lustrous ray hath went Teri marzi paa gaya sooraj phira ultay qadam Teri ungli uth gayi mah ka kaleja chir gaya The sun, its steps retraced, accepting your consent You raised a finger and lo! the moon's heart was rent
I appreciate your response, and Allāh reward you for your efforts! I must admit, my grasp of Urdu is languishing at beginner-to-intermediate level, so the matla for this kalām really threw me off - especially the use of hazrat-e-qadir; I had an inkling it was a reference to Allāh, but wasn't sure. In any case, is this specific address used by any other poets? I find it fascinating! I would love to see the remainder of your efforts, and look forward with great anticipation to the next instalment. Ala Hazrat was indeed a master; a veritable genius in the art of prophetic praise. It's an honour to be able to read and understand his works. Alḥamdulillāh. Jo kahey sher-o-paas-e-shara' dohno ka husn kyun kara'ey La issay pesh-e-jalwa-e-zamzama-e-raza ke yoon! Beh shak. : )
---------------------- Bandha milne ko qareeb-e-hazrat-e-qadir gaya Lam'a-e-baatin mein gumnay jalwa-e-zaahir gaya Nigh the court of the Almighty, for a tryst the Slave went forth To be lost in the glare of Secrecy, the flare of Manifestation went forth Teri marzi pah gaya sooraj phira ultay qadam Teri ungli uth gayi mah ka kaleja chir gaya The sun his steps retraced, at a nod of your consent At a prod of your command, the lunar heart was rent ---------------------- This is as close a word-for-word translation as I could manage whilst making the lines rhyme. The meaning of the first verse needs to be understood in the light of the Qur'anic ayahs and ahadeeth. I had begun the translation some time ago but couldn't complete it for want of time. Besides, the naath-shareef is a bit involved in terms of aqaid so one needs to be extra careful.(I intend to translate the remaining verses when I find time, insha Allah) The urdu lines are coloured phrase by phrase as brown to violet from left to right and the translated phrases have matching colours. Please don't use this without having it checked for compliance with sunni aqaid by some knowledgeable person. Hope I haven't blundered and hope this helps. wassalaam.
Can I get at least the matla translated, if possible? Bandha milne ko qareeb-e-hazrat-e-qadir gaya Lam'a-e-baatin mein ghumnay jalwa-e-zaahir gaya I'd really appreciate it if anyone can help!! Jazākallāhu Khayr.
Salām. I was wondering whether any of the knowledgeable brothers here (particularly Abū Ḥasan) could provide a translation for this beautiful kalām of AH: Bandha milne ko qareeb-e-hazrat-e-qadir gaya Lam'a-e-baatin mein ghumnay jalwa-e-zaahir gaya Teri marzi pah gaya sooraj phira ultay qadam Teri ungli ut gayi mah ka kaleja chir gaya Teri aamad thi ke baitullah mujray ko jhuka Teri haybat thi ke har buth thar thara kar ghir gaya Kyun janaab-e-bu huraira tha woh kaisa jaam-e-sheer Jis se sattar saahibon ka doodh se munh phir gaya Mein tere haaton ke sadqay kaisi kankriyan thi woh Jin se itnay kaafiron ka daf'atan munh phir gaya Waasta pyaare ka aisa ho ke jo sunni marrey Yoon na farmaayein tere shaahid ke woh faajir gaya 'Arrsh par dhoomay machay woh momin-e-saalih milaa Farrsh se maatam utay woh tayyib-o-taahir gaya Allah Allah yeh 'uloo-e-khaas-e-abdiyat raza Bandha milne ko qareeb-e-hazrat-e-qadir gaya Tokarein kaatay phiroy ghay unke dharr par par raho Qafila toh aey raza awwal gaya aakhir gaya Jazākallahu Khayr.