Books of Tasawwuf

Discussion in 'Tasawwuf / Adab / Akhlaq' started by Brother Barry, Nov 16, 2016.

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  1. Brother Barry

    Brother Barry Veteran

  2. The Risalah of Imam Qushayri is very good MashaAllah as it mentions the earlier great authorities in Sufism and then the terminologies of the Sufiya, it is easy to read. The important thing about the Risala is that its biographies include the Khorasan Shayukh which are often not mentioned in discussions about Tassawwuff and this is a major mistake. The Koharasan and Baghdad Schools were distinct yet very powerful but it was the Baghdad School with proponents such as Imam Sari Saqti, Imam Junayd and Abu Bakr Shibli (May Allah Have Mercy on Them) in the end defined tasswuff for whatever reasons.
    The Kashful Mahjoub is very difficult to understand unless you are an adept already and one of those who are familiar with the sobriety as opposed to Suqr.

    Imam Muhasibis book on Tasswuff is also a leading book on the subject.

    My suggestion is to get some spirituality first and Allah will bless you with understanding the texts and the ways of the Sufiya- eat less, sleep less and talk less and your on your way!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
  3. Driton

    Driton Guest

    Are this naration of imam malik autentic?
  4. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    imam zarruq in his qawayid at-tasawwuf:
    there is no tasawwuf without fiqh; because there is no other way to understand the commandments of Allah that concern the exterior except by fiqh. and fiqh is nothing without taSawwuf; because deeds have no meaning unless accompanied by sincerety (Sidq) and dedication (tawajjuh).

    neither of them is of any use without true belief [wa laa humaa illa bi iman]. that is, neither of them [fiqh/taSawwuf] is valid unless true belief is present in the first place.

    - the 4th principle
    also, ibid:
    and it is in this regard that imam malik raHimahullah has said: one who adopts taSawwuf without learning fiqh is on the path to heresy [tazandaq]; and one who practices fiqh without taSawwuf is on the path of transgression [tafassaq] and one who combines both is on the path to reality [taHaqqaq].

    i say, firstly 'on the path to heresy', tazandaq: one [might] talk of being forced [jabr], which is a denial of wisdom and commandments.

    second, 'on the path to transgression', tafassaq: for his actions are empty and devoid of the truthfulness and devotion that are a barrier to sinning against Allah ta'ala; and sincerety which is a primal condition for any deed done for the sake of Allah ta'ala.

    third, 'on the path to reality', taHaqqaq: for he has understood the reality of taking from the truth, taking from the Truthful Lord (al-Haqq) alone.

    another link on a similar topic can be found here.


    taSawwuf is about purifying the self. we must fulfil a part of it and the other part is granted. we strive and Allah ta'ala will guide us towards it. as He has said: "those who strive towards Us, We shall guide them on Our paths."

    and in this regard, a few books that might help (though some books have problematic passages which must be ignored by those who are not masters of the science):

    * ghawth al-a'azam's:
    - al-fat'H ar-rabbani
    - ghunyatu li Talibi (mainly the last part)
    * imam al-ghazali's
    - bidayatu'l hidayah
    - ayyuha'l walad
    - kimya e sa'adat
    - minhaj al-`abidin
    - arbayin
    - ihya'a

    * mukashafatu'l qulub attributed to al-ghazali though his authorship is suspect and disputed.

    * imam al-sha'arani's lawaqiH anwar al-qudsiyyah

    * imam ibn `aTayillah as-sakandari's:
    - taj al-arus
    - risalah
    - Hikam
    - al-qaSd al-mujarrad
    - miftaH al-falaH
    - laTayif al-minan

    - at-tanwir fi isqat at-tadbir (advanced users only)
    * imam zarruq's
    - qawayid at-taSawwuf
    - sharH al-Hikam
    * ibn ajibah's
    - iqaz al-himam fi sharH al-Hikam
    - miyraj at-tashawwuf ilaa Haqayiq at-taSawwuf
    * ibn rajab's faDl ilm as-salaf

    * imam nawawi's
    - bustan al-arifin
    - adab al-ilm
    being a part of his major book
    * alahazrat's shariat aur tariqat.

    * at-tadhkirah fi umur al-akhirah by imam al-qurtubi

    * shaykh abdu'l Haqq muHaddith dihlawi's taHSil at-ta'arruf fi ma'arifati'l fiqhi wa't taSawwuf translated by mawlana abdu'l Hakim sharaf qadri in urdu as ma'arifat e fiqh o taSawwuf.

    * al-mawardi''s adab ad-dunya wa'd din.

    * imam suharwardi's `awarif al-ma`arif.

    * imam al-hajweri's kashf al-maHjub.

    * and the various malfuzat of the chishti mashaykh collected in hasht bihisht.

    * parts of ar-risalah of imam al-qushayri

    * al-uzlah of al-khaTTabi

    * uyub an-nafs wa adwiyatuha by imam as-sullami

    * various short booklets by ibn abi'd dunya including kitab as-Samt and at-tawakkul.

    * aadaab al-muridin by abu'n najib al-suharwardi

    * aadaab an-nufus and al-ba'ath wa'n nushur by imam harith al-muHasibi

    * maktubat do sadi by imam yaHya maneri (of bihar)

    books of hadith:

    * at-targhib wa't tarhib of hafiz al-munziri

    * al-qazwini's abridged 77 branches of faith / mukhtaSar shu'ab al-iman]

    * kitab az-zuhd of imam al-mu`afa ibn `imran al-musali [imam ath-thawri's student]

    * riyad as-salihin by imam nawawi

    * makarim al-akhlaq by ibn abi'd dunya

    * ibn rajab hanbali's jamiy al-ulum wa'l Hikam; for it is a truly a compendium of fiqh, hadith and taSawwuf.

    * imam bukhari's adab al-mufrad.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
    Noori and Brother Barry like this.
  5. Imam Ghazali's Ihya Ulum al-Din, the books of Shaykh al-Haddad, Ghawth al Azam's books, Kashf al Mahjub by Ali Hijwiri :ra:

  6. Ibn Amin

    Ibn Amin Active Member

    As-salamu 'alaykum

    Today everyone is (mis)using the name of tasawwuf to legalize whatever they like.
    Which books of great 'ulama are good to study (with or without a shaykh) to know what tasawwuf really is?

    Allah Hafiz

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