Tere charoun hamdam hain yak jaan yak dil, Abu Bakr Faruq Usmaan 'Ali hai. radi Allahu Ta'ala 'anhu A'ala Hadrat Imam Ahmad Rida rahimahullahu Ta'ala
Hue Faruq o Usmaan o 'Ali jab daakhil e bay'at, Banaa fakhr e salaasil silsilah Siddeq e Akbar ka. radi Allah Tabaarak wa Ta'ala 'anhum
Mawla gulbun rahmat Zahra Sibtain is ki kaliyaan phool, Siddiq o Faruq o Usmaan Haydar har ik us ki shaakh. radi Allahu Tabaarak wa Ta'ala 'anhum
ALA Hazrat MashALLAH his words are so beautiful... ALLAH please bless us with another such schlor to guide this Ummah Ameen
jaan o dil tere qadam par waare kya naseebe hai tere yaaroN ke sidq o adl, karam o himmat mein chaar su shohre hai in chaaroN ke! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya-xYbJabcE&feature=channel_video_title
alaHazrat is the most reliable scholar in the last 100 years. i'm sure most people here know this but just in case, take a look at the first post. he uses chaar yaar for the 4 khulafa e rashidin. we cannot leave alaHazrat and his tahqiq and listen to 21st century molwis who make a dozen blunders in a one hour speech.
......"they were in no desperation except the desperation of the physical separation from the body of RasulAllah Sall Allaahu Aleyhi Wa Sallam" ....subhaanAllaah brother...well said
http://www.faizahmedowaisi.com/read/Koofi-La-Yoofi/page/1.html --- a brother told me apparently, it's kufi la yuwaffi - yuwaffi from wafa meaning faithful.
The other day I was listening to an 'Iraqi Sunni lamenting the fate of 'Iraqis. He quoted some sayings of Imam 'Ali karamAllahu wajhahu where he was describing the negative attributes of the 'Iraqi people I do not know about the authenticity of these sayings, such as Imam 'Ali asking Allah for a better people to rule than the 'Iraqis, but as far as I know, the SaHaba al-Kiraam are the doors to the greatest door of all, HabibAllah :sas: and they were in no desperation except the desperation of the physical separation from the body of RasulAllah :sas: Imam 'Ali was contented.
I cannot imagine myself without the mention of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as Siddiq :ra: The Companion in the Cave Without the love of him, the love of HabibAllah is incomplete to me. When can I end the remembrance of Abu Bakr and begin the remembrance of my Master, the Faroooq Sayyiduna 'Umar :ra: ?
alaHazrat says: ae khuda bahr janab e muSTafa chaar yaar e paak o aal e baa Safa jinaaN bane gi muHibbaan e chaar yaar ki qabar jo apne seena meiN ye chaar baagh le ke chale any other places where alaHazrat says chaar yaar for khulafa e rashideen?