Irā’atu’l Adab Li Fāđili’n Nasab Published by Admin on 2008/7/5 (2011 reads) by Shaykh al Islam Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida al Qadri rahimahullahu Ta'ala Page: (1) 2 3 4 ... 82 » إراءة الأدب لفاضل النسب فضیلت نسب کے شرعا معتبر ہونے یا نہ ہونے کا بیان Page: (1) 2 3 4 ... 82 »
The problem comes in when people start respecting you as a sayyid, when we ourselves are in doubt of being one. As I assume most sayyids from the subcontinent do not have a sijrah to clarify the authenticity of their ancestry. In such situation is it required to remain silent or is it better to drop the family name Sayyid for being on the safe side ?
assalam`alaikum, jazakallah khair for this piece. what if one's name has Sayyid in it as is the case with names in the sub continent is it considered to be claiming ancestry or boasting of it ? Should people with the Family name Sayyid drop it out ,out of being on the safe side. in the east we also have special names like hashimis, mir and sharif, for descendants of Sayyidina `Ali :ra: from other than Sayyida Fatima :ra: and we see that Syed ,Sharif and Mir is used interchangeably for them, and it is not very clear as to who is what, and very few families have their Shijra at hand, that the Geonological Trees and Shijras of the East are looked upon with contempt is a different story. a friend of mine once commented , all the Syeds seem to be in Pakistan and India, I wonder why we dont have them so profusely in the Arab lands. another one said that he had to fill in the last name for his son in a form when he was born, he did not have any last or family name and he kinda liked Syed so his son is now Syed something, and when I told him of one of the hadith above, he became angry and said that he was not claiming anything by that name -- P.S. The following book by Annemarie Schimmel is a good read about Islamic Names all over the world. Islamic Names: An Introduction by Annemarie Schimmel About this title: Guiding Western readers through the endlessly fascinating and complicated system of Islamic personal names, Annemarie Schimmel's directory touches upon almost every aspect of Islamic life.
Bismillāhi’r Raĥmāni’r Raĥīm We find people claiming to be sayyids whereas they are not; and some people denying that they are sayyids even while they are. For those who are unsure, the safest path is to remain silent – neither claim nor deny. Allāh táālā knows best. There are many ĥadīth in this matter and a small booklet was written by Dr.Ĥamzah Aĥmed az-Zayn published from Awqāf Dubai named: Ĥimāyatu’l Ansāb fi’sh Sharīáti’l Islāmiyyah. Given below are a few select aĥādīth [the cross-references are also from the aforementioned book]: ---- ‘Do not deny your parentage. Whosoever distances himself from his real ancestry, because it is kufr’ [lā targhabū án ābāyikum fa man raghiba án abīhi fa huwa kufr] Al-Bukhāri 12/54 ĥadīth:6768 in the section titled: ‘whosoever claimed ancestry falsely’; Muslim 1/80 ĥadīth 62 in the section titled: ‘whosoever denies his parentage knowingly’ ---- ‘Whosoever claimed ancestry not really his has disbelieved in Allāh. And whosoever disowns (denies) his progeny knowingly even if a little [in daqq] has disbelieved in Allāh.’ Reported by Imām Ţabarāni in Al-Awsaţ 1/149. ---- ‘That man who claims an ancestry without knowing or disputing it, falsifying it has committed disbelief even if it is little’ [in daqq: the shaykh notes that diqqatu’n nasab or 'slight modification in ancestry' means that, a person claims or denies ancestry by changing one or two persons in the line] Ibn Mājah ĥadīth 2744; At-Ţabarānī in As-Şaghīr 2/108, ĥadīth 1074. On claiming false ancestry: ‘Verily among the greatest of slanders or lies is when a man attributes himself an ancestry falsely or narrates a dream that he has not really seen or attribute a saying to RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam which he has not really said’ Reported by Imām Aĥmed 4/106, ĥadīth 16917. ---- ‘Whosoever claimed parentage/ancestry which is not really his knowingly; paradise is forbidden for such a person’ [man iddáā ilā ghayri abīhi wa huwa yálamu annahu ghayru abīhi fa’l jannatu álayhi ĥarām] Al-Bukhārī:6766; Muslim 1/80, ĥadīth:63; Musnad Imām Aĥmed 1/173. ----- ‘Whosoever attributed himself towards ancestors not really his, or towards masters not really his, then the curse and damnation of Allāh, His angels and men be upon him’ [man intasaba ilā ghayri abīhi aw tawallā ghayra mawālīhi fa álayhi lánatullahi wa’l malāyikati wa’n nāsi ajmaýīn] Ibn Mājah, 2609. ---- In another report with a slightly different wording: ‘Whosoever attributed himself towards ancestors not really his, or towards masters not really his, then the curse and damnation of Allāh be upon him continuously until judgment day.’ [man intasaba ilā ghayri abīhi aw intamā ilā ghayri mawālīhi fa álayhi lánatullahi al-mutatābiáh ilā yawmi’l qiyāmah] Muslim 2/994, ĥadīth:1370; Tirmidhi 2120; Aĥmed 1/81 and 328; Ibn Mājah 1712; Ibn Abi Shaybah 8/537. The shaykh explains that ‘to attribute oneself towards other masters’ [mawlā, pl.mawālī] means when a slave is freed by a master, he is known as a mawlā, a freedman of a certain person. Thus Nāfiý mawlā Nāşir means Nafiý, the freedman of Nāşir. If this Nafiý claims that he is a freedman of Zayd, for example he has attributed [intamā, tawallā] towards a master not his. ---- ‘Whosoever attributed himself towards ancestors, not really his will not whiff the perfume of paradise, even though its perfume spreads as far as [one walks for] five hundred years’ Ibn Mājah, 2611. Allāh táālā knows best.