every such 'scholar' who are now showing their true colors have always had tell tale signs even during their years of 'conservatism' when they were busy building their fan bases, and persons well grounded in i'lm have smelt rats and waited and watched . . . . . on a different note, i love to read deconstructions and refutations by sidi abu Hasan, not only are they informative but also fun to read, a real treat.
This is too weird. Sherwood, Robin Hood and likening to Sayiduna Khidr alayhisalam. This was originally posted seven years ago. Look how many weird things the writer of that 'contention' come with since.
chivalry in my arabic lexicons is futuwwah, samaHah, furusah, furusiyyah, nakhwah, muru'ah. and thus should it be, in any case. the word chivalry comes from french 'chevalerie' meaning horseman which is itself derived from the latin 'caballus' meaning packhorse. so forth until, our age where it is a synonym of 'courtesy', 'gallantry', 'bravery' etc. but what the word 'khiDr' has to do with chivalry is beyond me; someone please help. --- more fiction by a highschool student. he should get an 'F'....for sentense construction. St.George originated in persia? halakas mean circles of thirteen? --- d-uh? so one gets a black belt later? --- the guy must be joking or must have hired monkeys to peck at the typewriters. obviously, there was no point in even trying to make sense of this huttese...my mistake.
according to mufassirin, sayyiduna khiDr was the first maternal cousin of sayyiduna dhu'l qarnayn. the ayah 'fa atba'a sababa' / and he went in search of a means - that he tried to find the 'elixir of life'. it is said that al-KhiDr was in his army and he found it. this is clearly mentioned in the surah of al-kahaf, where joshua (yusha`a) along with sayyiduna musa went in search of KhiDr. joshua had cooked fish with him, and at a particular spot by the sea, a wave splashed water on the fish and it came alive and jumped back in the sea. when sayyiduna musa alayhis salam, says: 'we are tired in this journey of ours, bring our lunch. ' sayyiduna yuusha remembers this and says, 'the devil made me forget, the fish kept on the rock found its way in the sea'. so sayyiduna musa says, 'that is the place we seek.' and they turn back where they find KhiDr. this is described in detail in the surah al-kahaf. but whether dhu'l qarnayn was the same alexander of the greek mythistory is debatable. Allah knows best. a quick google search would yield: http://www.boldoutlaw.com/ http://www.legends.dm.net/robinhood/ http://www.robinhood.ltd.uk/ but still that is where my contention is; who knows what connotation 'sherwood forest' has better than someone in and around what was ye olde england? this is where notes are required. anyway, there is no point spending time on such obscure ones, when one can rather spend time to understand more sublime and universal aphorisms of ibn aTa Allah.
Khizr alayhisalam :s1: a difficult one! i was speaking to someone about Khizr alayhisalam a few days ago and was told that Hazrat Khizr was also in the army of Zulqarnayn and that he went with Hazrat Joshua (who was the nephew? of Hazrat Musa alayhisalam) to seek the Water of Life. (This was in the context of the question as to whether Alexander the Great was Zulqarnayn or not; this is evidence that he was clearly a different person as Alexander was c. 330 BC whereas Musa alayhisalam was c. 1300 BC if not more) **** This contention might mean that when the Crusaders went to the Middle East they heard stories about Khizr alayhisalam and brought this knowledge back to England....
whatever al-KhiDr has to do with robin hood or the sherwood forest can be debated later. for starters, the description of al-KhiDr is entirely wrong. the author is clueless and writing from pure speculation which unfortunately is incorrect and unimaginative. i read it at yursil's site but was also noticed the conspicous absence of any clarification along with the quote. oversight i guess. ---- anyway, robin hood was a thief; he robbed the rich and fed the poor to summarize the story. i don't know of any such story that is related to al-KhiDr, Haasha lillah. we believe that he is a prophet not just a saint. and stealing is unimaginable. as to the color green, it is purely coincidental. i guess robin hood chose green for camouflage rather than any further noble intentions. as for sayyiduna KhiDr alayhis salam, it is said that he is called KhiDr because grass [khuDr] grows wherever he rests, even in barren earth. wallahu a`alam. shaykh al-islam ibn Hajar al-asqalani has written a monograph: az-zahr an-naDir fi nabayi'l KhaDir. [KhiDr, KhaDir, KhiDar are all correct] wherein he mentions both opinions for and against the life of sayyiduna khiDr alayhis salam.
Shaykh Abdal Hakim says : 21. The Crusaders served us at least once: they let al-Khidr loose in Sherwood I have been thinking about this for a while - however cant come to any conclusion : Is this hinting that the concept of european chivalry is borrowed from Islam ? http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~optics/archives/article_commentaries/contentions_commentary/index.html says : Can anyone help me get this ? --abu nibras