So anyone who says they are a dog of the Sultan of the Saints Shaykh Abd al Qadir Jilani (q) is a cult member or have I misunderstood you?! Shay'an Lillah Ya Shaykh Abd al Qadir!
Masha Allah! That was touching. If we are happy to say, 'Main Darbar e Ghausia ka kutta hooN' or sag-e-MeeraaN or anything similar like that (I am a dog of the Ghaus) then what is wrong with these devoted brothers actually acting like dogs out of their love? While we say it, they do it! I think they are to be admired, not criticised.
They are behaving like dogs in order to say they are the dogs of the saint buried at the shrine. Typical of many cult members if they are approached regarding this they will have closed minds. The mind is like an engine. When a person under undue influence remains in a cult the mind switches off. Or you can say it goes into auto pilot under the cult leader or group structure. In order to counter this problem the motor of the mind needs to be switched on.
Does anyone know what these Kurds are doing at the Maqam of Sayyiduna Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani RadiAllahu Anhu? This was recorded during their URS this year
this is somewhat related, albeit not directly. cults too love to follow such stories.|maing11|dl11|sec1_lnk2&pLid=599962
i personally know the person who runs Mr Keller's latest site above, and how he organizes the memberships and corresponding rates for covering expenses including personal expenses. i know why he is asking for ethnicity, names, occupation, and acquaintences within the tariqa. He has a couple of legitimate reasons, i would say. By ethnicity he means nationailty. Are you Latino, Afghan, or African American. They keep tally of these numbers, for the running of their business of course.
what's the point asking ethnicity, father's first name, mother's first name, occupation and area when initiating people into a tariqa? also what's the point asking about any acquaintances in the tariqa? asking gender can be given away to perhaps fiqh courses for men and women (that's keller's latest site) --------- roflol "the sufi path and traditional islam" - only for those who own a credit card!! membership rates!
Cognitive Dissonance In Context of A CULT: The Cult= an organised group, motivated by an illusory set of notions, which are forcefully imposed upon the subjects by the cult leader, i.e. the individual most fully brainwashed by the illusory principles, who, having abandoned his rational faculties, takes these notions as absolute and enforces them upon his subjects. The smallest manifestation of organised evil: cult/coven/cell. The leader uses propaganda and intimidation to force the cult's agendas and notions upon the subjects, who receive pleasure only from conformity to the cult leader's teachings, and no longer from normal life, as entering a cult indicates that the individual was at one stage disillusioned with regular experiences. Cognitive Dissonance in a Cult: When a cult member begins to snap out of his current mode of existence, i.e. 'pleasure through relenting to the cult leader', and experiences 'conflict', arising from the soul's natural resistance to satanic programming. Cognitive Dissonance means when the cult member tries to find a way to get rid of the disturbance, not as he/she should, by returning to the natural path and leaving the cult, but by shaking off the reminders of 'normality' and forcing themselves to go deeper into the cult mode of existence. Real Cognitive Dissonance happens when an individual who is under the influence of satanic thinking gets reminders from reality, and then leaves those satanic thoughts and embraces a more natural attitude to reality. Within an Islamic context, this attitude to reality is called 'Tawhid', an attitude of oneness with reality and its Author. Deleting the grip of satanic thoughts and influences, which can be referred to as 'idols' which constrict experience of reality is also a continuous process. Giving importance to satanic thoughts and allowing them to influence one's experience of reality is the opposite of Tawhid, i.e. 'Shirk', and removing of the vestiges and remnants of Shirk is a continuous process taking place simultaneously parallel to 'Tawhid'. Due to this integral mechanism of 'Islam' or 'the Prophetic Way', Islam is the opposite of all cult-oriented groups/affiliations, and members of the Prophetic Way are by default opponents of 'Cult Leaders', described above, and their opposite. Subsequently, all groups/affiliations who organise themselves within a cult paradigm, and having based their operation on acceptance of false notions force others to accept these concepts using divine threat/justification are equivalent to the Quranic concept of 'The Party of Satan', and every verse relating to 'hypocrites', 'disbelievers', 'polytheists', etc, refers to these individuals, and every type of punishment thus prescribed, e.g. eternal damnation/hellfire, is intended for these groups. Those groups who operate under the guise of Islamic terms/concepts but who actually operate within the cult paradigm described above are to be treated with utmost hostility as per the generality of Islamic scholars throughout history, and the verdicts of the Islamic legal tradition that deal with apostasy and corporal punishment were designed to be used against these individuals, but are under critique today as representatives of cult laws/practices. On the contrary, Islam is no cult, and these laws/practices which are seen as harsh are necessary prescriptions to be used by any political authority that operates within the confines of the 'Objectives of Sharia' and upholds its pillars (maqasid), i.e. 'Property', 'Faith', 'Individuals', 'Intellect', 'Offspring' is supposed to take action and use these prescriptions against the social groups defined above as a 'cult'.
Other students of Sufism proceed on the right path, engage in spiritual struggle, begin to actually travel in the way, and the door of gnosis, contemplative knowledge of the Divine, opens to them. But when they sniff the first traces of this knowledge, it surprises them and they exult in it and are pleased by the strangeness of it, until their hearts become fettered with turning to it and thinking about it, and how it was disclosed to them but not others. And all of this is delusion, for the wonders met with in the Path of Allah Glorious and Exalted are endless. If one stops with a particular marvel and becomes enamored with it, one’s progress falters and one fails to reach the goal. Such a person is like someone going to see a king, who notices a garden at the palace gate with flowers in it, the like of which he has never seen, and who stops to look at them until there is no longer time to meet the king.
The deluded among them are of various types some are deluded by the dress, terminology, or demeanor of the Sufis. They imitate the sincere Sufis externally, but do not tax themselves with spiritual struggle or self-discipline. Rather they pounce upon and quarrel over wealth (it may not always be wealth though…) that is unlawful, doubtful, or from rulers, rending each other’s honour whenever they are at cross purposes, the delusion of these is obvious. They are like an old woman who hears that the name of the courageous, valiant soldiers are inscribed in the official roster and they are ceded whole tracts of land. Feeling a longing within herself, she dons hauberk and helmet, learns a few heroic stanzas and the details of their apparel and characteristics, and then sets out for the camp. Her name is duly entered in the lists, but when she reports for inspection, she is ordered to take off the helmet and armour to see what is underneath, and to be tried in combat. When she complies, it turns out that she is a feeble old crone, and she is told,“You only came to mock the king and his court! – Take her away and throw her under the elephant’s feet.” And she is flung under it to be trampled Thus will be the state of pretenders of Sufism on the Day of Judgement, when they stand revealed and are brought before the Supreme Judge, who looks at hearts, not patched clothes or Sufi dress.
Imam AbdulWahab Sharani writes in alKawkab alShahiq: The true seeker is precautions for himself as he does not enter the pact with a shaykh until he repents from all outward and inward sins. Anyone who enters with any rights of people or rights of Allah then it is far fetched that he will attain anything even if his shaykh is from the greatest Arifin. The intelligent shaykh will only allow the bayah after repentance.......
That particular quote from Sidi Zarruq is in Uddatul Murid alSadiq and Qawaid alTasawwuf. Sayyid Kattani's comments are found in his Khbabiat alKawn.
Cult psychiatrists also mention a sudden personality change. Of course the cult member will deny it, but his former friends will recognise it. That quote from Imam Sharani goes hand in hand with the modern phenomena of cult mind control:'s_Epidemic_of_Sudden_Personality_Change
Imam Sharani writes: I do not rush to take a murid even if he demands. The reason for this is because very rarely are the conditions of a truthful seeker and shaykh met. Sayyidi Ali Khawass would say if for a shaykh he finds one truthful murid all his life then that is rarer than red sulphur (rare). If the murid finds a shaykh who is truthful then that is rarer than red sulphur. Further down Imam Sharani writes he asked Sayyid Ali what is the sign of a truthful guide? He lists something similar to what Ala Hazrat says and he adds that the truthful guide will know how to treat the ailments of his murid by observing the lawh mahfuz (preserved tablet). The example is like what Imam Junaid did for his student by removing the darkness of his face when the student did a sin in another city!
Imam AbdulWahab Sharani writes: If an individual enters a sufi order, and changes the way he was with his brothers from prior to the sufi order, then this shows that there is a deficiency (naqs) in the Shaykh. Elsewhere Imam Sharani writes: If a shaykh over emphasises good clothes and dressing then this shows the emptiness of such a sufi order. These quotes are from alMinan alKubra. There are numerous other things regarding this subject in that work and other works. These points and other points from the sufi masters works are something that need to be highlighted amongst people.
I talked with a friend who used to answer for eshaykh , he told me that most if not all of those people answering are unqualified, he himself was randomly given igaza to answer questions, even though he had no qualifications. P.S '''I have been to Michigan to shaykh hisham farm, overall I was disappointed. ANSWER: post it on sunniport for a critical review. the site is here: do report what will happen afterward.