What Mufti Ashraf Asif said in his speech that I posted earlier about independent love is mentioned in this fatwa too.
this is a pending project. our friend nawazuddin raised it earlier and i had pointed out that the current edition from devbandis is a very shoddy editing job, which messes up the context. i posted from the original edition which provides context. in sha'Allah, should complete that open thread as well. wa billahi't tawfiq.
How do our scholars respond to the tafDili quotation of the fatwa of shah abd al-aziz dihlawi, in which he mentioned some tafDilis to be sunnis?
This is the English translation of the detailed fatwa by Mufti Muneeb ur Rahman on the issue of Tafdil al-Shaykhayn, with attestations from leading ulama and muftis. Please share widely so that the correct view of Ahl al-Sunnah can reach the masses.