unfortunately the site has been down for some time now, I tried contacting the brother who maintains the site but was unable to get a repsonse from him. --an
assalam alaikum and thank you for this information. I tried visiting those links- but they don't work. How can I order this in the US - or whom can I contact to get updates on when this will be completed? thank you
Allah u Akbar!!!!!! Allah u Akbar!!!!!!! alHamduLilAllah!!!!! alHamduLilAllah!!!!alHamduLilAllah!! Victory to the love of RasulAllah :sas: Ya Allah!! Victory to Your Deen Ya Allah!!! We Love You O Allah!!!! We Love You!! Ameen!!
source : http://www.rizwi.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=32 Encyclopedia Rizwiyya The Encyclopedia Rizwiyya is a series intended to introduce English-speaking Muslims to the literary works of Imam-e Ahl-e Sunnat A`la Hazrat Shah Ahmad Rida Khan Fadil-e Barelwi, and his spiritual and intellectual descendants, May Allah be pleased with them all. Insha' Allah this series will include translations of the most important gems produced by the scholars of Ahl-e Sunnat in South Asia in the twentieth century, in the hope of inspiring the Muslim communities of the West with A`la Hazrat's message of intense love for the Beloved of Allah, Ruler of Madina and Master of Creation, Sayyiduna Muhammad Mustafa (upon whom are Allah's most perfect blessings and peace), and kindling the desire in these communities for taking up the mission of defending the honor of this most perfect beloved and of all those who are dear in his sight from the defamations of his spiteful foes. The series encompasses works of tafsir, aqida, fiqh, hadith, and tasawwuf. Insha' Allah, the hijri year 1426 will see the release of the following volumes: Volume one: Blossoms from the Garden of Love: a selection of A`la Hazrat's shorter works, including Husam al-Haramain, Tamhid-e Iman, al-Dawla al-Makiyya, Ahkam-e Shari`at, and a selection of his fatawa. Volume two: The Light of Knowledge from the Treasury of Faith: a new, complete English translation of Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Na`imi's shorter tafsir, Nur al-`Irfan, which consists of notes on A`la Hazrat's priceless Urdu translation of the Holy Qur'an, titled Kanz al-Iman. Volume Three: The Truth Arrived: Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Na`imi's classic work Ja' al-Haqq on the differences between Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a and the other modern sects in both beliefs and practices. Volume Four: The Garden of the Law: the most comprehensive modern work of Hanafi fiqh for the layperson and scholar alike, Sadr al-Shari`a, Mufti Amjad `Ali A`zami's Bahar-e Shari`at, unabridged, for the first time in English. In addition to these four volumes of Encyclopedia Rizwiyya, Two Bows Press is intending to bring a number of shorter works to the market in the coming year. Details of these, and information on how to obtain them, will be available at our website: www.twobows.rizwi.net. From time to time we will also make selections of our literature available for download. Please make du`a for the success of this endeavor. -aameen