England Flags

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by CHISHTI, Jun 18, 2010.

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    CHISHTI Well-Known Member


    ..but didn't the Prophet Sall Allaahu Aleyhi Wa Sallam dislike the cross to the extent where He Sall Allaahu Aleyhi Wa Sallam used to stop and uncross twigs on the road? Plus it is a religious symbol of another faith and if we display it aren't we guilty of blatant imitation?

    I know it was also the symbol of the english christian crusaders who took part in the crusades.
  2. Abu Ibraheem

    Abu Ibraheem Guest

    Salaamun 'Alaykum

    Delicate case, as it has no religious significance for a lot of people, including the Muslims you speak of. Origins of the flag hold no significance, you will see the British even wearing the flag on their feet, even stick on toilet seats from the pound shop. If they deemed it as a religious symbol then they would bear it with the utmost respect, but they do not, they see it as the flag of their country and Jesus being nothing to do with it.

    Then theres the Christians, Roman Catholics who piratically worship that symbol, but most of them are not English, their italian, greek, etc

    Then theres the Christians that believe the cross and the symbol is pure idolatry. Jehovah's witnesses being one.

    To me the red cross means nothing, knowing that Jesus never was placed on one.

    Being born British, I would happily wear the England shirt in support of my team, I do not see a problem with it, I know where I stand in terms of 'Aqeedah.

    This is not a fatawaa, just some thought.
  3. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    good question. i was thinking the same ?

    CHISHTI Well-Known Member

    Salaam All

    With the world cup happening i have noticed many Muslims with the cross of saint george flags on their cars, hanging from their windows, on their t-shirts, on hats etc and i was wondering about the validity of utilizing this christian symbol in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah.

    What do you brothers/sisters think?

    I wouldn't anyway as i support the republic of Ireland who were horribly cheated by the hand of "frog" ;-)

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