Islamic Centre Nottingham Presents: Shahadah of Sayyiduna Imam Husain radi Allahu 'anhu and the Battle of Karbala ‘Urs in the remembrance of Mufti A’azam Imam Muhammad Mustafa Rida rahimahullahu Ta’ala Shaykh Sayyid Irfan Shah al Mashhadi Urdu Speech Mawlana Qasim Qadri Ridwi English Speech Under the guidance of Shaykh Mufti Ashfaq Ahmad Rizwi Time: 6:00 pm Date: saturday 25th Dec 2010 Venue: Islamic Centre Nottingham, Nurani Jami Masjid 3 Curzon Street, St Anns, Nottingham, NG3 1DG (In sha Allah Ta’ala) All Brothers and Sisters are Welcome Food will be served Organised by the students of the Classis Series Islam Studies Classes in ICN Islamic Centre Nottingham For further information please contact: Ali 07970110820, Imran 07855078228, Intikhab 07973852245, Ijaaz 07922731753 Sufi Ramadan 07710263082 Join us on