Arabic Download here is Sayyidi Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan's (may Allah preserve him) Arabic translation: the book was published by Shaykh Khalid Thabit (the author of Insaf al-Imam) in Cairo, Egypt.
the book in original Urdu can be found here: I will try to source the published Arabic work.
Al-hamdulillah. the second part of the book has been translated into English. It is an amazing piece of work. masha Allah.
the second part of the booklet discusses the issue of awliya knowing and being able to control the states of peoples hearts.
Al hamdulillah. Sayyidi Taj al-Shari'ah. Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan al-Barelvi (may Allah preserve him) has translated Imam Ahmad Rida Khan's Fiqh e Shahinshāh wa anna Al-Qulūb bi Yadi’l Maĥbūb bi Áţā’yillāh into Arabic. The book was published a week ago in Cairo. may Allah grant the the great shaykh the ability to continue with this valuable service to the ahl al-sunna. Fiqh e Shahinshah details proof in using the term Shahinshāh (king of kings)for the most beloved and glorious Prophet of Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammad - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him in great abundance.