Manners and Respectof a Religious Teacher in Islam The teacher is a spiritual father The teacher is an inheritor of the Prophets ‘alaihim us salaam It is obligatory to obey him Respect and revere him Stand up in respect on his arrival in class Greet him with salaam first Shake hands with both hands when meeting him Never raise or spread your legs towards him Listen to him carefully when he is speaking Be quiet when he is speaking Always try to obey him Speak to him very gently Do not turn your back towards him Do not argue with him Do not make him angry Do not sit on his masnad (seat) Dress in a respectable way according to the Sunnah wearing a hat or an ‘Imaamah (Turban) or a scarf When he is answering a question wait for him to finish before speaking O Allah grant me the ability to honour, respect and fulfil the rights of my teacher aameen Presented by Tariqah Qadria Ridwia Nottingham UK