i mean that we are NOT reporting (word for word) or changing the actual transmission in this (our) time to be a report - for that has already been done...as per my understanding of the article writer's explanation to me.
if i am correct..., we are only making use of the essence of what has already been transmitted and reported but we are NOT reporting (word for word) the actual transmission in this (our) time - for that has already been done...
Why would riwaya bil ma'na be allowed? Is it not so that riwaya bil ma'na in ou age is prohibited and only lafz is allowed, as all the ahadith works have been compiled? So therefore narrating something as hadith, when it is not even if the meaning is true, is haram.
Assalaamu 'Alaykum Peer Sayyad 'Abd al-Qair Sahab said something on this. http://videos.wittysparks.com/id/986988796 ALLAH HAAFIZ
hadith-e-lau laak by a GTM contributor There is a Hadeeth with the following wordings, “Lau Laaka lamaa Khalaqtul Aflaak”, which means, “If you (O My Beloved Prophet) were not, I (meaning Allah) would not have created the celestial spheres.” This narration is a clear indication of the excellence possessed by Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) that he was the reason or through his existence the Heavens were created. In other Ahadeeth, it has also been said that if it wasn’t for Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), the world wouldn’t have been created, Paradise wouldn't have been created, etc. However, the meaning of the Hadeeth “Lau Laaka lamaa Khalaqtul Aflaak” is deemed by some to be Mauzoo (fabricated). This is totally incorrect because the meaning of this Hadeeth is proven and accepted by the Ulama of Islam. However, a narration with the word “Aflaak” is specifically not established and proven. Mulla Ali Qaari (Alaihir Rahmah) states: “Asna’aani has said that 'Lau Laak …' is Mauzoo, as reported in the book Khulaasa. However, its meaning is Sahih (correct) because Dailami narrates a Marfoo Hadeeth on the authority of Ibn Abbas, 'If it were not for you, I wouldn't have created Jannat or the Fire.' This was related to Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) by Jibraeel (from Allah). The narration of Ibn Asaakir states, ‘If it weren't for you, I would not have created the world.’” (Mauzoo'aate Kabeer, pg. 159) Maulana Abdul Hayy Lucknawi writes: “I say that just as how the meaning of 'Awwalu ma khaqullahu Noori' (The first thing created by Allah is my Noor) is proven but its exact wording is not, likewise the following, “Lau Laaka…” which is common among the public, Ulama and orators (i.e. its meaning is proven and correct but its precise wordings with the word 'Aflaak' is not).” (Al-Athaarul Marfoo'aa, pg. 35) Imaam Dailami, Qastalaani and Shaikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlwi have mentioned this Hadeeth with several wordings in their works, Musnadul Firdous, Al-Mawaahib and Madaarijun Nubuwah, respectively. Various other celebrated Muhaditheen and Scholars of Islam have narrated this Hadeeth albeit with different wordings in their works. The word “Aflaak” was not proven in these narrations, but its synonym “Samaa'un” is proven. According to the elucidation of Ulama of the principles of Hadeeth, narrations of the same meaning is permissible (refer to Sharah Nukhbatil-Fikr, pg. 67). So when the word “Samaa’un” which has the similar meaning of “Aflaak” has been reported, then the narration of “Aflaak” which has the same meaning of “Samaa’un” is permissible. We now present extracts from some Ulama wherein they have used the word “Samaa’un.” Allama Burhanudeen Halbi states: “The author of the book 'Shifaa’us-Sudoor' narrates from Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu) who reports from the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) that Allah has said, 'O Muhammad, Oath of My Honour and Glory! If it was not for you, I wouldn't have created the earth and the Heavens (Samaa'un) nor made the sky or created the floor of the earth.” (Insaanul-Uyoon, Vol. 1, pg. 357) Allama Faasi states: “Baihaqi and Haakim record the Hadeeth of Hazrat Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu), and this Hadeeth has been classified as Sahih, that Allah said to Hazrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam), 'If it was not for Muhammad, I would not have created you.' Another Hadeeth states, 'If it was not for Muhammad, I wouldn't have created you nor the Heavens (Samaa'un) and earth.'” (Mataaliul-Mussaraat Sharah Dalaailul-Khairaat, pg. 264) Allama Abdur-Rahmaan Safoori writes: “Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu) reports that he asked the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), 'Ya Rasoolallah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam)! Why have you been created?' He replied, 'When Allah sent Wahi to me, I asked, 'Why have You created me?' He answered, 'Oath of My Honour! If I didn't create you, I wouldn't have created the Heavens (Samaa'un) or the earth.'” (Nuzhatul-Majaalis, Vol. 2, pg. 119) Aala Hazrat Imaam Ahmed Raza Khan writes with reference to Imaam Qastalaani's Al-Mawaahib, “Hazrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam) asked Allah, 'Why did You keep my Kuniyat (filial appellation) Abu Muhammad?' He was then commanded to lift his head up. When he lifted his head, he saw the Noor of Muhammad on the walls of the Arsh (Heaven). He then asked, 'O Allah, what is this Noor?' Allah then said, 'This is the Noor of a Nabi who will be from your off-spring. His name in the Heavens is Ahmad and Muhammad on the earth. If he was not, I would'nt have created you, or the Heavens (Samaa'un) or the earth.” (Tajaliyul-Yaqeen, pg. 40) The Ulama have narrated this Hadeeth with the word “Aflaak” in it also. Imaam Rabbani, Mujaddid Alf-Thaani states: “The secret of the Hadeeth-e-Qudsi, 'Lau Laaka lamaa khalaqtul-Aflaak' which has been said in the glory of the final Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), should also be known from here.” (Maktoobaat, Dafter 3, Vol. 9, pg. 55, letter 122) He also mentioned this Hadeeth in Maktoobaat, Dafter 3, Vol. 9, pg. 176. All accept the ‘Ilmi status of Mujaddid Alf-Thaani. So he has mentioned this Hadeeth and used it as proof, then this is proof that the meaning of the Hadeeth “Lau Laaka …” is correct and established. Allama Aloosi Baghdadi has also mentioned this Hadeeth in his book, Tafseer Roohul Mua'ani, Vol. 1, pg. 51. Allama Aloosi was an acclaimed critique of Hadeeth. When he has used the Hadeeth, then this is a strong proof of the correctness of the narration's meaning. Maulwi Zulfikar Ali Deobandi writes: “The verse of Busairi, ‘Lau laa hu…’ is an extract from the Hadeeth, ‘Lau Laaka lamaa Khalaqtul Aflaak’”. (Itrul-Warda Sharah Qaseeda Burda, pg. 17,25) From these extracts and elucidations, it is clear that the meaning of the Hadeeth, “Lau Laaka lamaa Khalaqtul Aflaak”, is Sahih (correct) and established. Narrating this Hadeeth with the words “Samaa'un”, “Dunya”, “Jannat” and “Naar” is correct and narrating it with the word “Aflaak” in relation to the meaning “Samaa’un”, is Riwaayatul bil Manaa and is permissible. ------------------------------------------------------------------ www.gatewaytomadina.org