Utlubu al-Khaira ‘Inda Hassanil Wujuh Look for your needs from the people with beautiful faces What is meant by people with beautiful faces?
7439- حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبي ثنا أبو معاوية ثنا الأعمش عن أبي صالح عن أبي هريرة قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ما نفعني مال قط ما نفعني مال أبي بكر فبكى أبو بكر وقال هل أنا ومالي الا لك يا رسول الله The Beloved Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alayhi wasallam said: No wealth has benefited me much like the wealth of Abu Bakr. Hearing this Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allah Anhu cried and said: No one owns my life or my wealth except you O Messenger of Allah! Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad, through a Sahih chain, from Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah
27168 - حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبي ثنا هاشم قال ثنا ليث قال حدثني سعيد بن أبي سعيد عن عبيد عن الوليد قال سمعت خولة بنت قيس بن فهد وكانت تحت حمزة بن عبد المطلب تقول سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول ان هذا المال خضرة حلوة من أصابه بحقه بورك له فيه ورب متخوض فيما شاءت نفسه من مال الله ورسوله ليس له يوم القيامة الا النار حديث صحيح (6/378) The Prophet sallAllahu Alayhi Wasallam has said: …And there are many who fulfil their desires using the wealth of Allah and His Prophet. They have no share on the Day of Judgement except the Hellfire.” (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi and said that this is a Sahih and Hasan Hadith, narrated from Khowla Bint Qais. Baihaqi has narrated this Hadith in his Shub from Ibn Umar radi Allahu anhum). Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal's, Musnad, Vol 6, Pg 378, Hadith 27168
16007 - إن لله تعالى عبادا اختصهم لحوائج الناس يفزع الناس إليهم في حوائجهم أولئك الآمنون من عذاب الله (6/534) The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said; There are certain servants of Allah who are allocated to fulfill the needs of the people. The people come to them sorrowfully with their needs. These servants are safeguarded from the punishment of Allah Almighty. Imam Muttaqi al-Hindi's, Kanz Ul Ummal, Hadith 16007, Vol 6, Pg 534
16795 - اطلبوا الخير عند حسان الوجوه (6/809) Utlubu al-Khaira ‘Inda Hassanil Wujuh Look for your needs from the people with beautiful faces Imam Muttaqi al-Hindi's, Kanz Ul Ummal, Hadith 16795, Vol 6, Pg 809
16792 - ابتغوا الخير عند حسان الوجوه قط في الأفراد عن أبي هريرة (6/808) Ubtugu al-Khaira ‘Inda Hassanil Wujuh Ask your needs from the people with beautiful faces Imam Muttaqi al-Hindi's, Kanz Ul Ummal, Hadith 16792, Vol 6, Pg 808
The Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam once said; My example compared to you is that of a person who enlightens a fire. The moths and insects begin to fall into that fire and the man tries to prevent them. I am holding your waists in order to save you from (falling into) the hell-fire and you want to overcome me. Hadith found in Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal's, Musnad, Hadith 15250