is it possible anyone can find the reference for this hadith, i read that it is in bukhari and muslim. and also a synopsis of what the major commentators said about the hadith, in particular ibn hajr and nawawi. in particular i am interested in what the ulema say about the protection of the ummah from shirk. jazakallahkhair. 'Uqba ibn Amir (radi-Allahu 'anh), the relater of the hadith ash-Sharif, said, 'Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam), ascended the minbar. It was the last time I saw him on the minbar. He declared: "I do not fear whether you will become polytheists after I die. I fear that you, because of worldly interests, will kill one another and thus be destroyed like ancient tribes." '