hadith works by sunni (barelwi) ulama

Discussion in 'Hadith' started by AR Ahmed, Dec 19, 2022.

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  1. AR Ahmed

    AR Ahmed Veteran

  2. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    alHamdulillah, a lot of work has been done since then. there are half a dozen commentaries on bukhari:

    1. bashiru'l qari sharh bukhari by sadrul ulama shaykh sayyid ghulam jilani meeruthi - which is not a complete commentary but a very technical and critical commentary of first ahadith of bukhari.

    2. nuz'hatu'l qari sharh bukhari - mawlana sharifu'l haq amjadi. in five volumes.

    3. tafhim al-bukhari - shaykhu'l hadith ghulam rasul ridawi laylpuri, faisalabad (born amritsar, 1920 and migrated to pakistan - see a detailed account in "noor-noor chehre" of his student shaykh abdul hakim sharaf qadri, p.281. he is not the same as his namesake below.

    4. niymatu'l bari sharh bukhari - ghulam rasul sayidi ridawi [1356–1437 AH / 1937–2016 CE]: the shaykh had an agreement with publisher-1 to complete 7 volumes, which he completed from 2006-2010; initially it was named in'aamu'l bari - but when he heard that deobandi taqi usmani was also writing a sharh by that name, he changed it to niymatu'l bari. after the completion of first seven volumes, another publisher approached the shaykh to complete the rest and to avoid claims of copyright and other issues, he named the rest of the book: "niyam al-bari" which is from vol.8-vol.16.

    5. fuyuD al-bari - allamah sayyid mahmud ridawi, 12 volumes until kitab al-jihad [he is the son of shaykh sayyid abul hasanat muhammad ridawi, the son of the great muhaddith shaykh sayyid didar ali alwari].

    6. al-fayD al-jari sharh bukhari - allamah sayyid fayz ahmad uwaisi.
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  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    however it is also true that for many decades, our ulama had vacated this space and left this field open to others. allamah abdul hakim shahjahanpuri lamented this in the preface of his translation of mishkat. he wrote this in 1985 [37 years ago - in 2022].

    [after mentioning the story of the two hyderabadi brothers wahidu'z zaman and badi'yuz zaman who were sponsored by the prince and royal consort of bhopal, siddiq hasan bhopali, to translate the six motherbooks in urdu. both belonged to the anti-madh'hab, and self-styled ahl-hadith, known as salafis in our time].

    no other person or group paid attention to translation of the hadith works in urdu after the aforementioned hyderabadi brothers, in an organised and focused manner. some scholars tried to do one or two books - and thus deobandi scholars translated five or six books. apart from this maulvi badru'l aalam meeruti has composed a good work named "tarjuman* al-sunnah" in four volumes.

    and from the side of ahl al-sunnah: allamah mahmud ahmad ridawi was writing a commentary on bukhari named: fuyud al-bari. he wanted to write each part in one volume - but after 10-11 volumes, he was probably exhausted and has left it.

    allamah ghulam rasul ridawi is writing a commentary of bukhari in 10 volumes and named it tafheemu'l bukhari. by the Grace of Allah, six volumes are published so far.

    mawlana sayid ahmad naqshbandi intends to present a translation of ash'iatu'l lam'aat [of shaykh abdul haqq in farsi] in eight volumes - two of which have been published already.

    allamah ghulam rasul sa'yidi intends to write a commentary on sahih muslim in six volumes and started the work in 1980. the composing of the first volume is complete.

    mufti ahmad yar khan badayuni gujrati [d. 1391AH / 1971 CE] has written a wonderful faith-boosting and soul-lifting commentary on mishkat titled 'dhu'l mir'aat' [aka mir'at al-manajih]. This exemplary and outstanding commentary is commonly available in 7-8 volumes.

    however, if we look back over a hundred years - this work on hadith in urdu is very little and insufficient. it appears as if the scholars of ahl al-sunnah have not realised their due responsibility in this regard and not even a fraction of the amount of work that should have been done is covered so far.

    as if they have left the field open to deviant groups and fraudsters who have misused our heritage and treated it as plaything [i.e. translated with scant regard to propriety, correct aqidah or proper meanings of the hadith]...

    * tarjuman and turjuman, with fat'hah and dammah both are acceptable.

    Umar99 and Aqdas like this.
  4. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    allamah akhtar also translated sunan abu dawud, sunan ibn majah, mishkat, muwatta imam malik

    allamah siddiq hazarwi translated jamiy tirmidhi and shamayil of tirmidhi.

    allamah ghulam rasul sayidi translated sahih muslim.



    ibn majah.png




    Umar99 likes this.
  5. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    our ulama translated all of the hadith motherbooks in urdu:

    bukhari translated by allamah akhtar shahjahanpuri (author of sawanih alahazrat among other works). in 3 volumes.


    on trans.png
    Umar99 and Ali_Bash like this.
  6. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    while it is dandy to write in arabic, our ulama mostly focused on the need of the people. i am not against writing in arabic - and those who have the capability and interest in writing for an arabic audience can do so too. but work in languages other than arabic - which is the need of the day, should not be considered any lesser.

    in fact, a translator's work is far more difficult and double the effort than someone writing in arabic, especially in this later age. because, most writers of our time build on the works of past masters, draw from them and generously quote them. however, a translator does not have the luxury of copying the citation; he/she has to work on translating those words, trying to understand the context and at times struggle with idioms and arcane expressions.

    few writers and scholars in later times address issues that do not have a precedent. alahazrat stood head and shoulders above all of his contemporaries because he usually wrote on topics which were new or either mentioned in passing by previous ulama. alahazrat's books are not just compilations and derived works one cannot find a dedicated treatise on a topic or a comprehensive treatment of the issue.

    the responsibility of scholars from a particular region is to educate the local populace, and thus make accessible works in arabic to a people who do not read arabic. 'barelwi' ulama have done a handsome job of translating works and making them accessible to the urdu-speaking population of the subcontinent.

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