:s1: Amaizing Photos Sidi!!! Damascus the beloved shines as ever so does it mosques!! Allah subHanahu wa ta'ala keep our Shuyukh with us, and thus keep our hearts Alive away from dying... Bilad al Sham... Bilad al Sham...Shaam Shaam Shaam Shaam Beautiful Shaam, Diamond Shaam, Emerald Shaam, Rubi Shaam, Saphire Shaam, Turqoise Shaam, Violet Shaam, Blue Shaam, Green Shaam, white shaam Damascus Antioch Hama Hims Lataqiyah Halab Golan Tartus :cry: this is just getting too emotional...
as-salamu `alaykum This is a hadra gathering that I attended at Masjid `Ammar ibn Yasar where Hadrat Badruddin al-Hasani (rahmatullahi` alayh) is buried in Damascus, Syria. It was attended by many local traditional `Ulama' and Masha'ikh. There was tilawat, Nashids, an ecstatic hadra, a lecture and then even food in the style of our langar-e-ghawthiyya;-) http://minhaj.faisalmirza.nl/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=51 http://minhaj.faisalmirza.nl/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=48 http://minhaj.faisalmirza.nl/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=41 http://minhaj.faisalmirza.nl/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=53 http://minhaj.faisalmirza.nl/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=58 http://minhaj.faisalmirza.nl/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=60 Several people were recording this and the entire tour and it is hoped that a video film can be made of it. Ma`as-salama rafiq