Assalam alaikum, In Ayat 28 of Surat Kahfi of the Holy Qur'an, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says:-- "And keep yourself patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His face." These true servants of Allah Ta'ala (the Ahl al-suffah who livedthe Masjid on a raised platform to be near the Prophet, peace be upon him), whose hearts are turned to Allah norning, noon and night, were moulded by the vast character of the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam. He was the most complete man in zuhd (doing without), wara (scrupulousness in abstinence), fear of Allah, reliance on Allah, hope in Allah, struggle for Allah, acceptance of Allah, contentment, love, Mercy pity forbearance, generosity, courage and knowledge. The Ahl al-Suffah, may Allah be pleased with them all, imbibed all this from the Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam. Describing them, Sayyadi Ibn Ajiba, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "They left dunya to its people and isolated themselves completely for Allah. When they heard the speech of their Lord and their Prophet they understood the requirements of the Divine Law. Allah and His Prophet denounced dunya and occupation with it. They praised and embraced complete freedom for ibada (worship) and ijtihad (struggle) in it. Allah had described what He prepared for the Zahidin (abstinent) and qanitinin (obedient). So, they left the causes (asbab), which is the law of the weak, for tajrid (stripping off), which is the law of the strong and the reality of the sincere friends of Allah." For Allah, they left everything they possessed.... thus every Sufi is related to them.