help a muslim even when he is doing wrong

Discussion in 'Tasawwuf / Adab / Akhlaq' started by abu nibras, Dec 21, 2005.

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  1. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    walaikum salam,

    sayyiduna rasulallah `alaihi afDalus salatu was salam is reported to have said

    whoever among you sees an offensive or evil act, he must change it with his hand. If he cannot, then [he must change it] with his tongue. If he cannot, then [he must feel it] with his heart, and that is the weakest of iman (faith)” (Muslim).
  2. sadia

    sadia New Member

    salaam, what do u do if they dont listen to u!! do u just leave the bro/sis alone ??
  3. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    I came across this and thought that this would be useful.

    sayyiduna rasulallah `alaihi afDalus salatu was salam is reported to have said
    " help your muslim brother when he is doing right and when he is doing wrong"

    the saHaba said : "what must we help him when he is doing wrong ?"
    the messenger of allah replied
    "yes especially when he is doing wrong, drag back his hand!" [meaning stop him from doing the wrong]


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