hazrat qays radiyAllahu ta'ala anhu was known especially for his ishq e rasul sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam.
According to the research by Shaykh Abd ul Haadi al Qadiri hafizahullah from South Africa yes he mentions in the short biography of Mufti Aazam Shaykh Mustafa Rida radi Allahu a'nhu that he was a decendant of Qays Malik A’bd ur Rashid radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhu who was a sahabi of the Prophet Sall Allahu a'laihi wa Aalihi wasallam. he mentions that Sayyiduna Qays radi Allahu a'nhu was married to Mutahirah the daughter of Sayyiduna Sayfullah Khalid ibn Waleed radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhu . The entire ancestral tree is also mentioned one reference is made to the genealogy history book Akhbaar al Sanadid. He also writes that he belonged to the Bar’hech tribe which was from royal Afghani descent for further information see the biography of Mufti Aa’zam in al Malfuz of Aa’la Hadrat radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhu pages xlix – liii Allahu Ta’ala Aa’lam
The ancestors of AlaHazrat Imam Ahmad Raza belonged from Qandhar, Afghanistan to the Barhaich Pathan tribe. Among his forefathers Hazrat Sayeedullah Khan came India along with Nadirshah Abdali who invaded India in 1739 (Aasarus-Sandeed). Nadir Shah returned back but Hazrat Sayeedullah Khan stayed in India. Sultan Muhammad Shah appointed him as the commander of six thousand soldiers in Royal army. He was given the title of "Shuja'at Jang Bahadur" More at: http://www.hazrat.org/english.htm#
i am not denying the fadl - superiority - of the arabs, but my intention is the other way round. that is, a great scholar or an imam with exceptional qualities is not diminished in any way if he has not descended from arabs/saHabah/ahl al-bayt. this, surely, does not seek to undermine the superiority of the the ahl al-faDl. Allah ta'ala knows best.
aalahazrat was a pathan, they have somewhere printed shajra as well. i will try and find out and inshAllah post it here.
i was reading a debate on imam maturidi being descended from abu ayyub al-ansari; the turkish author (in the discussion) says that there are arabic mistakes found in 'kitab at-tawhid' of maturidi and the style is turkish though the language is arabic; hence, he confidently asserts, that imam maturidi could not have been descended from arabs. the logic is shaky (so there should be no sayyid on earth who cannot speak or write the purest form of arabic; and if they cannot, they must not have arab ancestors!) but the next point he makes is rather pertinent. does it matter that he was descended from a SaHabi? -- kayse aqaON ka banda huN raza bol baley meri sarkaroN ke