Assisstance As salaaam walay kum I'm new to this site and have just discovered it mashAllaah may Allaah bless all of you for portraying the true message and work of Imaam Ahmad Rida Khan radia Allaah ta Allaah anhu. Brother wa Sayyidi Abu Hasan I have a couple of Articles translated by one of my teachers and as he has asked me to get them uploaded unto as many sites as possible and I was wondering if you could proof read it and then possibly upload it onto the website. I ask you to pray for my teachers May Allaah Almighty grant them tawfeeq in all their efforts. Ameen
Ala Hadrat Imam Rida was a selfless person, a person send by Allah to save mankind from corruption of faith. He was the defender of the Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaah creed and it's foremost champion.
someone asked mawlana hashmat ali khan lakhnawi how many non muslims were converted to islam by imam ahmad rida khan? mawlana hashmat ali said i dont know how many non muslims became muslim due to imam ahmad rida's work but i do know he saved millions of muslims from becoming kafir. subhan Allah