posted back in the days when our forum software could not include inline pictures [vb 3.5]; and PDFs were not available back then. [if you wonder why i had not included a screenshot back then].
Bismillāhi’r Raĥmāni’r Raĥīm --- Mishkāt al Maşābīĥ, 6096: [Also narrated] from him is that he said: RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said: “I am the house of wisdom and Álī is its door” [ana dār al-ĥikmah wa álīy bābuhā] Reported by at-Tirmidhī [1] who said: “This is an uncommon narration [ĥadīth gharīb.]” And he said: “Some have reported it from Sharīk and they did not mention As-Şunābiĥiyy in their chain. We do not know this ĥadīth from any reliable narrator except Sharīk.” --- Mirqāt al-Mafātīĥ, vol.11/pg.252 [Also narrated] from him: that is, narrated by Álī rađiyAllāhu ánhu [2] said: RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said: “I am the house of wisdom: in another report: “I am the city of knowledge” [ana madīnatu’l ílm.] In another narration [of Al-Maşābīĥ]: “I am the house of knowledge” [ana dār al-ílm.] and Álī is its door: that is, one of its doors.[bābun min abwābihā.] Another report has this addition: “Whosoever seeks knowledge, let them come through its door.”[3] And the meaning is to enter [the city/house of knowledge] from one of its doors. However, this specific mention is an indication of the preeminence [of Álī]; and indeed, he is greater in rank and knowledge compared to many other Companions. This also affirms that all Companions are like doors [to the house of wisdom] as RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam has said: “My companions are like the stars; if you follow any of them, you will be guided” [4] That is, you will be guided in spite of the difference in their luminosity. This is also established from the fact that their Successors [tābiýīn] took various sciences of Canon Law [sharīáh] like Qur’ān recitation, Qur’ānic exegesis, Ĥadīth and fiqh from numerous Companions other than just Álī rađiyAllāhu ánhu. This shows that the ‘door’ is not exclusive and restricted only to Álī, except the door of judiciary [bāb al-qađā’a]; because it has been reported in his praise: ‘Álī is the foremost judge amongst you’ [aqđākum álī]. Similarly, such distinctions have been given to other Companions like - Ubayy: ‘he is the best in recitation amongst you.’ - Zayd ibn Thābit: ‘he is the most knowledgeable amongst you regarding inheritance.’ - Muáādh ibn Jabal: ‘he is the most knowledgeable amongst you concering the lawful and unlawful’ [5] There are other narrations that indicate the plentitude of his knowledge like the report from Máqil ibn Yasār [in Ar-Riyāđ] that he said: I helped RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam with ablution. He then asked: ‘Will you come with me to visit Fāţimah?’ I said: ‘Yes.’ He rose up leaning upon me saying: ‘The weight will be borne by someone else and you will get the reward for it’ [Máqil] said: I did not feel a thing until we entered Faţimah’s house and asked: ‘How are you feeling now?’ She said: ‘My pain and hardship has increased, my hunger and need has worsened and my sickness has prolonged.’ Ábdullāh ibn Aĥmed ibn Ĥanbal said: I have found in the very handwriting of my father about this ĥadīth that he mentioned [the Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam saying]: ‘Are you not content that your husband is the foremost in Islām and is the most knowledgeable and the greatest in forbearance?’[6] People asked Ibn Ábbās: ‘What kind of a man was Álī?’ and he answered: ‘He was full of wisdom, knowledge, strength and the ability to help others; in addition to his nearness to RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam in being his kin.’[7] Saýīd ibn al-Musayyib said that Úmar would seek refuge from [facing] a dilemma in the absence of Abū Ĥasan. [8] Tayyibī said: ‘Perhaps it is these praises that makes the shiáh to conclude that knowledge and wisdom is restricted and exclusive to Álī rađiyAllāhu ánhu and none can achieve it, except through his mediation. Because one enters a house through the door as Allāh táālā has ordered: ‘Enter houses by their doors’ [9]. This argument [of the shiáh] is not valid; because the house of paradise is not as extensive as the house of wisdom, yet it has eight doors.[10] Reported by at-Tirmidhī who said: “This is an uncommon narration [ĥadīth gharīb]: its chain is uncommon. And he said: that is, Tirmidhī. “Some have reported it from Sharīk: Sharīk ibn Ábdullāh, the Judge of Baghdad as mentioned by the exegete. and they did not mention: those who have narrated this ĥadīth [from Sharīk.] in it: that is, in their chain. As-Şunābiĥiyy: with a đammah on şād, followed by kasrah on [bā] with one dot, and [ĥā] without any dot. We do not know this ĥadīth from any reliable narrator except Sharīk.”: the exception should be read: ghayra with a naşb. It is said that in some copies of Sunan, it is written án sharīk instead of ghayra sharīk. Allāh táālā knows best. Also know, that the ĥadīth, “I am the city of knowledge and Álī is its door” is reported by Al-Ĥākim in his Al-Mustadrak, in the Chapter of Eulogies [bāb al-manāqib] narrated by Ibn Ábbās; and he said that it was a rigorously authenticated [şaĥīĥ] narration. Dhahabī criticized it and said: ‘Rather, it is a forgery.’ Abū Zuráh said: ‘How many have been embarrassed by it!’ Yaĥyā ibn Maýīn said: “It is baseless.” Abū Ĥātim and Yaĥyā ibn Saýīd said likewise. Dār Quţnī said: “It is established” Tirmidhī reported it in his Al-Jāmiý under Eulogies and said: “it is rejected.” Bukhārī said similarly: “there is not a sound chain for this narration.” Ibn Al-Jawzī included it in his Al-Mawđūáāt [11] Ibn Daqīq al-Ýīd said: “This ĥadīth is not proven” It is also said that it is false and invalid. However, Ĥāfiž Abū Saýīd al-Álāyī said: “The correct view is, that it is a fair report [ĥasan] because of its numerous routes; neither sound [saĥīĥ] nor weak [đaýīf] leave alone its being forged [mawđūú].” This was mentioned by Az-Zarkashī. Ĥāfiž [Ibn Ĥajar] Al-Ásqalānī was asked about it and he said: “It is fair. Neither sound like Al-Ĥakim said, nor forged like Ibn al-Jawzī said.” [12] As-Suyūţī said: ‘I have explained the statements of Ibn Ĥajar and Al-Álāyī in [my book]: Critique of Forgeries.’ [13] In a report of [Musnad] Al-Firdaws: ‘I am the city of knowledge; Abū Bakr is its foundation; Úmar its enclosure; Úthmān the roof and Áli its door.’ [14] Some have given a peculiar and aberrant explanation and said: ‘álī is its door’ means, the door is high [mina’l úluww] analogous to Yáqūb’s recitation in which he recited: şirātun áliyyun mustaqīm, with tanwīn and rafá on the second word. [15] ------ Footnotes: 1. Tirmidhi in Sunan; ĥadīth no.3744 [20:73] 2. because the previous ĥadīth in Mishkāt, no.6095 is also narrated by Álī rađiyAllāhu ánhu 3. Al-Ĥākim in Al-Mustadrak, 3/127. 4. aş-ĥābī ka’n nujūm fa bi ayyihim iqtadaytum ihtadaytum 5. Al-Bukhārī, 4481, in the words of Úmar rađiyAllāhu ánhu: ‘the foremost in Qur’ān recitation is Ubayy and judgement is Álī.’ [aqra-unā ubayy wa aqđānā álīy] Tirmidhī in Sunan; ĥadīth no.3816 from Anas ibn Mālik: ‘The most merciful towards my followers among my followers is Abū Bakr, the strictest in following the command of Allāh is Úmar; the most bashful amongst them is Úthmān; the most accurate in recitation of the Book of Allāh is Ubayy ibn Káab; the most knowledgeable about inheritance laws is Zayd ibn Thābit; the most knowledgeable about lawful and forbidden is Muáādh ibn Jabal; and verily every nation has its trustee and the trustee of this nation is Abū Úbaydah ibn Al-Jarrāĥ.’ Tirmidhi says it is fair and sound. [ĥasan saĥīĥ] 6. Reported in Musnad Imām Aĥmed, 5/26. Majmá az-Zawāyid: no.14595. 7. Narrated by Imām Aĥmed in Eulogies; 8. Álī ibn Abū Ţalib whose apellation was Abu’l Ĥasan. rađiyAllāhu ánhu. It means Sayyidunā Úmar expected Áli rađiyAllāhu ánhumā to be around to seek his advice, when he was faced with a dilemma. 9. Al-Baqarah, v.189 10. That is, a more extensive house would naturally have more doors. 11. Book of Forgeries by Ibn al-Jawzī. 12. innāhu ĥasan; lā şaĥīĥ kamā qāl al-ĥākim; wa lā mawđūú kamā qāl ibn al-jawzī 13. the book: At-Ta-áqqubāt álā al-Mawđūáāt ibn al-Jawzī 14. Musnad al-Firdaws, 1/43, ĥadīth no.105 15. Al-Ĥijr, 15:41; whereas the regular recitation of Al-Ĥafş is şirātun álayya mustaqīm
yes, very true. I've never heared or listened to any dispute regarding it. you yourslef have given quite enough quotes, so what kind of comments you are expecting. muhaditheen do differ about the rigorousness of ahadith based on their criteria to rank them. the reference of imam jalal addin sayyouti is more than enough to accept this hadith sharif.
Bismillah wal Hamdulliah wa Salawatullah 'alayka ya Nabi Allah wa 'Alihi wa Sahibihi ya Habib Allah (Sal Allahu 'Alayhi wa Salim) as-Salamu 'Alaykum : Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulallah (Sal Allahu 'Alayhi wa Salim) said of 'Amir al-Mumineen Sayyiduna Mawla al-Imam 'Ali 'Asad Allah (Karam Allahu Wajhu wa Radhi 'Anh wa 'Alayhi Salam) : "Ana Madinat al-'Ilm wa 'Aliyu Babuha" I am the City of Knowledge and 'Ali is it's door I heard 'Allama Shaykh al-Sayyid Muhammad 'Abul Huda ibn as-Sayyid Ibrahim al-Yaqoubi al-'Idrisi al-Hasani (May Allah preserve and protect him) say that Imam al-Suyuti says this Hadith is Hasan while Imam al-Jawzi says in his "Mawdu'at" that this Hadith is Da'eef. Shaykh Abul Huda (db) also said that Imam al-Hakim says in his book "al-Mustadrak" that it is Sahih and that the most relied upon opinion is that of Imam al-Suyuti.