Imam Ghazali on rectifying others?

Discussion in 'Tasawwuf / Adab / Akhlaq' started by Anaa, Feb 4, 2010.

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  1. Anaa

    Anaa Guest

    Sahih Bukhari Hadith

  2. Anaa

    Anaa Guest


    I think one should not correct someone in front of others, unless it is necessary to do so, like in public debates or disclosures. Even then, before going publicly one should approach the individual privately and discuss the issue and wait for the individual himself to make a public withdrawal or apology. The reason being, trying to correct someone in front of others can lead to divisions amongst persons and possible negative consequences? Maybe, the recent incident of the Mufti of Syria comments on our prophet sallahu alyahim wa sallam and Shaykh Muhammad's Al Yaqoobi's refutation in the form of a khutbah, can be used as an example. (then again, I am not certain if correction was made privately).

  3. from another thread:

  4. Yeah, Shaykh Asrar's lectures on the Shi'ah, Bid'ah etc are excellent, they represent our tradition in such a logical and sound way.
  5. ottomanhanafi

    ottomanhanafi Active Member

    mashallah both are mureed of maulana ilyas qadri too. Its a pity the likes of maulana rashid dont get the exposure because he delivers really thought provoking speeches.
  6. (The people in the mosque and the Ustadh did not know Imam al-Ghazali was in the mosque)
  7. There are still `ulema like that today. Hazrat Qibla Maulana Rashid Madani al-`Attari (from the UK) will turn away from you if you call him "Moulana, Ustadh, etc." and will say "My name is Rashid. Just call me Rashid."

    Hazrat Qibla Shaykh Asrar also insists that he be just called "Asrar". A simillar situation occured with Hazrat Qibla Fakhr-e-Ahle Sunnat Hadrat Allama Sayyid Irfan Shah Mashadi (damatbarakatahum ul aalia) who, when he was called by many titles, said "I am Muhammad Irfan. Just Muhammad Irfan".

  8. This is a bit off topic but once a scholar mentioned that Imam al-Ghazali, during his period of seclusion in Sham was doing Khidmah in a mosque when he heard the Imam mentioning "As the great Islamic scholar Imam al-Ghazali said", at which point Imam al-Ghazali left the mosque for fear of Kibr entering his heart.

    Radhiyallah `An Hujjat al-Islam wa Mu`tamad al-Anam, al-Imam al-Ghazali!
  9. ottomanhanafi

    ottomanhanafi Active Member

    Slm i once heard someone quote Imam Ghazali on rectifying others. The speaker stated the Imam on this issue said one shouldnt correct someone in front of others as it can lead to arrogance. Could someone possibly provide some more info on this pls

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