imam riDa in his own words

Discussion in 'Biographical Notes' started by Aqdas, Jan 8, 2023.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  2. :s1:

    That quatrain is beautiful and poignant and the translation first-class! :)

    Whither are such men today?

    It is akin to Iqbal's Aik Arzoo....
  3. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member


    some of the verses in kaabe-ke-badr-ud-duja are very intense and they seem autobiographical to me :

    ik taraf a’daa.e.deen ek taraf hai Haasideen
    banda hai tanha sHaha ! tumpe karoRon durood

    kyuN kahuN bekas hooN maiN, kyuN kahuN bebas hooN maiN
    tum ho mai tum pe fida ! tumpe karoRon durood

    kaam wo le lijiye tum ko jo raazi karey
    Theek ho naam.e.raza ! tumpey karoRon durood


  4. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    Imam Aĥmed Ridā's raĥimahullāh quatrain which is an excellent description of his life:

    na marā nosh zeh taĥsīN; na marā nīsh zeh ţaán
    na marā gosh ba mad'ĥay; na marā hosh zamay
    manam o kunj khumūli ke naganjad dar way,
    juz man o chand kitābay o dawāt o qalamay


    An accurate Urdu translation by Shaykh Sayyid Muĥammad Kichauchawi raĥimahullāh*:

    na mujhe mad'ĥ ki khwahish, na mujhe khaţra e zam
    na kisī wāh kī parwāh, na kisī āh kā gham
    maiN huN us gosha e tanhāyī ka rahne wāla
    key jahāN chand kitābeN haiN dawāt aur qalam


    An English translation:

    I flatter none, nor others deride -
    No praise i heed; no curse or chide.
    The lonely nook has, where i dwell,
    A few books, inkpot; and a quill.


    the above quatrain written by the imam himself, in his own hand:

    * found in the preface of his diwan
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017

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