i.e. "kuram" is pronounced similar to "ghurab" / dammah on the first letter. nice catch. but both are correct. al-durar wa'l ghurar / being two books durar al-hukkam which is sharh of ghurar al-ahkam. this is the hanafi work. there are other works too. there are many works that are named al-durar / and so also al-ghurar. ----
Asalam Alaikum Brothers, Does the Dar Ahl al-Sunnah edition have the translated Arabic and Persian like the 30 volume one does?
Manuscript Minutiae The “purist” in me, if that word is applicable here, thought of sharing this. Please note, I’m not writing as someone who can speak Arabic, or a student, just an inquisitor. I came across these when attempting to add all the harakat to the Arabic since they understandably do not for ulama. It’s minutiae. 1. As was noted earlier, the 30 vol. edition omits the word أَهْلِهِ, while it is there in the 12 vol. edition. Further to this: 2. In the original it is الدُّرَرِ الْغُرَرِ, without the waw. 12 vol. 30 vol. Lahori 30 vol. DI 3. The DI edition is missing a meem. It should be مِنْهُمَا. 12 vol. 30 vol. Lahori 30 vol. DI 4. The original has a damma over أَحْمَدَ الْکُرَامِ. The sample of Dar Ahl al-Sunnah’s edition has a kasrah. 12 vol. Dar Ahl al-Sunnah Mawlana Abu Hasan has kindly informed: both kiraam and kuraam are correct. and since the first vol in the old 12 vols. was published in alahazrat's own lifetime, that should be the preferred. besides, it has hashiya of mufti azam as well. ---- an alternative pronunciation of the word karim is, "kuram" similar to "ghurab" another variation is "kurram" (with shaddah) when the person is extremely generous and kind. kiraam is the plural of kareem.
It was through Allamah sb that I discovered the Khutbah. Allah’s mercy be upon their souls. https://odysee.com/@sunnilearning:2/Khutbah-Ridawiyyah-Ar:e https://odysee.com/@sunnilearning:2/Khutbah-Ridawiyyah-En:1
we did not omit it - and it was not deliberate. the infographic was made based on the 30 vol.edition. i did not expect a word to be missing in the book. but as you have pointed out, it is there in the old edition (published in alahazrat's own lifetime). if i get time to correct, i will fix it in sha'Allah. wa billahi't tawfiq.
Please forgive if this is a dumb question or pondering over something minute. Is there a particular reason why اهله is omitted? I ask because in the Khutbah of the 30 Vol. editions it’s also omitted whereas the older one includes it. Old: 30 Vol. Editions: I noticed because it’s present in Allamah’s recitations too.
Thank you for the translation, Mawlana. Was following the text with recitation of Allama Khadim when I noticed.
thanks for the correction. it is now corrected iwth some enhancements. colours are now darker and hopefully looks better. the new version can be downloaded from the links: khutbah fatawa ridawiyah - low res khutbah fatawa ridawiyah - hi res
In the Arabic text, just before subscript 81, shouldn't it be "wal Haqiqat" instead of "wal Tariqat"?
one 'waaw' was missing in the arabic text. it has been added now and the newer images uploaded. please download the corrected version. 26th november 2016 / 1.28PM madinah time also please inform us of any other mistakes you may find.
Ridawi Press : Infographic Release ( Safar 1438 ) The Preface of Fatawa Ridawiyyah Explained Alahazrat's magnum opus, Fatawa Ridawiyyah begins with a beautiful preface. The opening praise of Allah ta'ala and blessings upon the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam [hamd and salawat] are both composed using the names of books, imams and appellations. This infographic lists the names, along with the authors of books mentioned, a mapped color coded translation will in sha Allah help us appreciate the eloquence and brilliance of this masterpiece. subHan Allah ! Low Resolution - Translation Colour (~10 MB) Low Resolution - Translation Mono (~10 MB) High Resolution - Translation Colour (~28 MB) High Resolution - Translation Mono (~32 MB)