Israeli Agression and Warcrimes

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by abu Hasan, Apr 21, 2024.

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  1. Shadman

    Shadman Active Member

  2. Mohammed Nawaz

    Mohammed Nawaz Corrections are always welcomed with appreciation

    We might need some folks to be animated in order to give it back. My criticism of Hijab stems from his failure to respond to Rabbi while he was preaching the madkhali strain of Islam as mainstream islam. When the conversation turned to Winston Churchill, he failed to counter with the fact that the area bombing of Germany in WWII is now 100% known to have deliberately targeted civilians (at least 600,000 died), towns and cities with no military targets were frequently deliberately targeted, the primary, official British purpose for the bombing was to break civilian morale, and most importantly,The bombardment had no effect in that it did not force an early German surrender, and even after this was acknowledged by the British, they maintained their senseless murder until the war ended in 1945. Not to mention the Bengal famine, in which he killed three million Indians.

    He never offered a theological case to undermine Abrahamic accords. That is his strong suit. While the rabbi continues to lecture about "true Islam."
  3. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    He succumbed.
  4. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    ok, fine, but what exactly can sophisticated and civilized people like you and i do even with all the depth of knowledge and the cool, calm, collected manner? yes perhaps we can educate our level headed colleagues at work, community etc. one on one but that's it.

    i agree with @Aurangzeb that people like Hijab are needed to tackle animals like that rabbi he was talking to. the guy was barking like a dog, cutting people off, interfering what have you! let's not forget that just coz we are civilized people, the enemy doesn't play by our rules!

    even in our own desi community, if ever there was a munazrah between let's say iran shah and some Sunni, you actually think any speaker would speak for their allocated time and answer to the point and then go on mute and wait for the other guy to finish his rebuttal??? this is a billion times worse than that with all the lies, deceit, media complicity, lack of manners etc etc etc etc etc ad nauseum!

    to be honest, i don't think Asrar Rashid would have dealt with that ill mannered dog as effectively as Hijab coz his knowledge and sophistication would have gotten the better of him given that specific scenario!

    also note that piers morgan is no fool. he's following perfectly in the footsteps of tim sebastian. they will NEVER call a Muslim speaker who will slam dunk their narrative or that of the judeo-christian empire. they will bring smart people (Muslims of any shade), but just smart enough to only to portray themselves and their shows as unbiased and obtain ratings through some sensationalism and drama, and of course not hurt the status quo; or they'll bring in cheap publicity seekers like some MCB reps i've seen - but NEVER will they bring someone smart enough (along with sincere and honest) to sweep the floor with them or their co-conspirators.

    have you noticed in the beginning of the war (this battle), piers was asking and insisting to just about every Muslim 'do you condemn 7 October'... not a single person said they did not accept the msm narrative of killing women and babies, and that 'Palestinians only killed combatants'... how many people just swung around the 'Palestinians have a right to self defense' line on them or 'israel is guilty of using human shields' or patronizingly said 'i regret all collateral damage on the israeli side' like how the zionists have been saying about the Palestinian children they're deliberately murdering! how many have questioned the 'war on/with hamas' line and not called it out for what it is - 'war on Palestine' or 'war on Islam' or 'war on Al-Aqsa'? i agree we might have more time to analyze the comments once we watch something as outsiders and it may not be possible for some in the heat of the moment, but the fact is that people like piers, tim, etc. are phonies and complicit despite their claims to neutrality, probably even worse than the shameless, naked, biased ones on fox news or the DT!
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  5. Aurangzeb

    Aurangzeb Active Member

    MH can be a loose cannon but he does appeal to a different demographic than that of you and I. To that target audience I.e. the keyboard warrior/online debate/Diss culture world he is a leading debator for what that is worth.

    To put another way the likes of MH do not have actual careers/roles in the offline world as such. They are not scholars, imams, senior civil servants, ambassadors or advisors to nations. What they do have is a massive online following and they are 'influencers'. In the real world someone like CR7 speaking out against Israel is more likely to influence the psyche of the common man. Yes, perhaps it shouldn't be that way but popularity counts.

    MH is appealing to the spectators of the genocide and fence sitters. The veil, hiding the hypocrisy and and double standards is well and truly being lifted with these kinds of exchanges. Calm and collected responses have their place too but the spectator demographic and large theatrics, vulgarity, aggressive confrontation are effective in this space judging by feedback.
  6. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Amazing video by aljazeera exposing these gaumutra worshippers fake reporting.
    Aurangzeb likes this.
  7. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Tbh aljazeeras start here series does a much better job.

    I barely got anything out of the hijab discussion apart from the fact that church hill saved Britain from nazis. And hijab acting like a child is saying 'of topic of topic".

    His not a debator and should not get himself in this.

    I agree sh. Asrar debates are much more logical and easier to follow.

    Before having such debates. A prerequisite should be to discuss events before 7th October. But we simply can't cause we don't have knowledge about what happend and the events that unfolded back then.

    The likes of hijab dilly and nilly are just social media content creators who speak about various issues and matters just to create a following. We really need to study history, otherwise we gonna get fried in such discussions.
    Mohammed Nawaz likes this.
  8. Aurangzeb

    Aurangzeb Active Member

    MH is appealing to the spectators of the genocide and fence sitters. The veil, hiding the hypocrisy and and double standards is well and truly being lifted with these kinds of exchanges. Calm and collected responses have their place too but the spectator demographic and large theatrics, vulgarity, aggressive confrontation are effective in this space judging by feedback.
  9. Mohammed Nawaz

    Mohammed Nawaz Corrections are always welcomed with appreciation

    He appears to have done little preparation for this discussion. And I wish someone like Lowkey or a scholar like Asrar Rashid had undertaken this type of confrontation.
  10. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Hijab latest debate...just watching it now...the introduction is not that impressive by hijab.
  11. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Does he ever speak in a manner portraying himself as a fence sitter or 'there are valid differences of opinion on any and every issue' kinda guy? I think he always shows himself as an ardent Sunni Ash3ari/Maturidi and makes it crystal clear, in fact he even takes strong and conclusive positions on the fiqh opinions he supports/endorses - as much as I've seen online.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
  12. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    This is the tone that suits Shaykh Asrar and makes things clear for Sunnis.
  13. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    finally saw that retweeted msg by mr waqar azmi obe

    dunno if it is retweeted as an exposition or endorsement
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
  14. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    he's a wordsmith and thinks he can fool Allah with his wizardry on judgement day!

    Asrar Rashid did the right thing by attacking him as the demented clown that mark hanson is, without calling him kafir or munafiq.

    coz if he did, then hanson would at once say I never gave an opinion, I said it's for the ulama to deliberate upon!

    even if you tell this filthy swine now that pigs are raised in ostensibly hygienic conditions, and we have a ton of birth control products and procedures and dna identification, would eating swine and zina be permitted in our times as we can still safeguard our healths and protect our family lineage, this shaytan will give some political statement that it's for the ulama to ponder over! he's the borat of north american muslim speakers!

    my lament is that we're not living in the times of sahaba or muhadditheen. if some principled ulama like Asrar Rashid or others might call this shaytan and his teacher bin bayyah as ras al-munafiqun, it doesn't just stop here, there's a long long long list of people who are the same as him, politicians as well as "scholars" so pointing them all out would alienate the common man and he'd retort "ok you're the only Muslim on the planet" or "you're just like the isis" or "you're just like the rawafid who call most sahaba as munafiq"

    with greatest respect for the shuhadaa and the afflicted, one silver lining that this current calamity has is that even any common person with less knowledge and practice as long as he has some ghayrah and shame, is starting to call out the munafiqin for who they are, be it celebrities or common folks around us.
  15. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

  16. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

  17. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    This munafiq thinks al-Aqsa can be shared with jews, if it were not for the extremists on both sides. He is open to jewish temple of mount being built there.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
    Ghulam Ali, AbdalQadir and Noori like this.
  18. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  19. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

  20. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

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