Jamia Rizvia Trust

Discussion in 'Links' started by chisti-raza, Nov 5, 2008.

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  1. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    No, Ala Hadrat himself did not make any mureeds while Sayyiduna Abul Hassan Noori was still alive. Such was the love for the prince of his murshid that he used to send those who came to him to Maherah Shareef.
    (RadiAllahu anhuma)
  2. azizq

    azizq Well-Known Member

  3. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    did you mean to write sayyidi mufti e a'zam did not make mureeds?
  4. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    Huzoor Mufti Azam Hind is the mureed and received the Kilaafat and his chains of transmission from Sayyid Ash Shah Abul Hussain Ahmad e Noori who received it from the Great Sayid Sha Ale Rasul ((radi Allahu anhuma).

    It is said that as long as Sayyiduna Noori Mia was alive, Sayyidi Ala Hadrat did not make mureeds (to him his prince was still here) and used to send those who came to him to Mahrerah Shareef to Sayyiduna Abul Hassain Noori (RadiAllahu Anhuma).
  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    this page says that mufti e a'zam was a khalifa of shah aal e rasool. is this true or has the sanad missed alaHazrat?
  6. azizq

    azizq Well-Known Member

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