Zayd claims to be Sunni. He discredits the hadith of 80 lashes for a tafdili. He prays for the blessings of rafidis to continue. He accepts khilafah from rafidis. He narrates forged hadith from the pulpit in order to deny the superiority of Abu Bakr Siddiq رضي الله عنه. He says Amīr Mu'āwiyah رضي الله عنه swore at Mawla Ali رضي الله عنه. He gives khilafah to people who say: don't say every sahabi is in paradise. He gives khilafah to the one who compared Quranic distortions of a rafidi to Alahazrat's matchless Kanz. He mocks Abdullah b. Umar رضي الله عنه for narrating the hadith that conveys ijma'a on Superiority of Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه. His brother says in his presence: Fatimah رضي الله عنها is superior to prophets عليهم السلام. It is recited in his presence: after Allah is the prophet, after the prophet is Ali - whereupon he showers money on the reader. He says the entire system of RasulAllah ﷺ was on the shoulders of Mawla Ali. He says it's kufr to attribute khata to Sayyidah Fatimah. He mocks Sunnis for having Matla al-Qamarayn to hand. Sayyidah Hind رضي الله عنها is insulted in his presence and he nods in agreement. He associates with and considers those molwis Sunni who explicitly deny the ijma'a on Superiority of Abu Bakr Siddiq. His khulafa associate with and accept as Sunni the same people they refuted for being shiah for 20 years. --- These are just the ones I remember. There will be more. So stop having a laugh and asking me: what's the most definitive proof Zayd is shiah? Sounds pathetic.
It will really be a fall from grace if they know about Irfan shah's antics and yet choose to not issue a clear and conclusive judgement on him. No philosophical pot stirring or open ended comments like politicians. They need to conclusively and decisively say if they believe the person Irfan shah is Sunni or not.
Will Azami sb, Mufti Shams, Shaikh Asrar, Dr Mufti Monawwar, Pir Saqib Shaami, Bolton brothers Moulana Hussain and Kalim sign? many people will only take this seriously if the above also sign.
JOINT STATEMENT BY SUNNI ULAMA ON IRFAN SHAH When he first came to the UK in the late nineties, Sayyid Irfan Shah Mash'hadi was a Sunni scholar and public orator. Sunni scholars and public alike supported him as he was upon the way of Ahl al-Sunnah. Recently, he has made numerous problematic statements and public actions that directly contravene the way of Ahl al-Sunnah and conform with shiah ideology. Therefore, we, the undersigned, direct Sunni Muslims to abstain from listening to his lectures until further notice as it could harm their beliefs and practices. Further, it is imperative that no Sunni masjid or platform hosts him. END OF STATEMENT --- SIGNATORIES Mufti Sayyid Siraaj-ul-Arifeen Shah, St. Ives Mawlana Sabir Ali Sabir, Bolton Hafiz Ehsan Iqbal Qadri, Sri Lanka Mawlana Kamran Khan, Doncaster Mawlana Sajjad Rizwi, Bradford Mawlana Naveed Ashrafi, Blackburn Mawlana Sudagar Hussain, Bradford Mawlana Adil Shahzad, Bradford Mawlana Ibrar Shafi, Derby Mawlana Arfat Ahmed, Luton Mufti Saqib Raza, Oldham Mawlana Naveed Jameel, Nottingham Mawlana Muhammad Amar, Derby Mawlana Muhammad Husain, Bolton Mawlana Haider Ali, Preston Mawlana Azhar Ali, Bolton Mawlana Tayyab Ali, Bolton Mawlana Tahir Ali, Bolton Mawlana Akhtar Ali, Bolton Mawlana Aqeel Khan, Bolton Abu Hasan, RidawiPress / SunniPort Mawlana Muhammad Ali, East London Mawlana Irfan Naqshbandi, Banbury Mawlana Abu Zohra Rizwi, Manchester