Dars e Hadis Dars al Hadith Sahih al Bukhaari by Shaykh ul Islam Mufti Akhtar Raza Mufti A'azam Huzur Taaj ush Shariha Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan al Qadri al Azhari hafizahullahu Ta'ala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6jB5D-cGfA&list=UUvQGDao1H6gbV2GWL-pwpZQ
Any further information about its publication? Who it was published by and where it may be available? How to obtain it outside of Damascus?
Shaykh Munawwar Ateeq's article 'Taaj al-Shariah - A Man among the Men of Allah: Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan' mentions that Hazrat has translated Al Mu'tamad Al Mustanad into Urdu and is currently dictating the Arabic translation of 'Subhan Al-subbuh an Ayb Kadhib Maqbuh': http://www.almukhtarbooks.com/?page_id=10
DARS001 - Sharah Hadith-e-Niyyat (Part - I) [14th May 2011 - Jeddah] DARS002 - Sharah Hadith-e-Niyyat (Part - II) [15th May 2011 - Jeddah]
this is what Shaykh Allamah Abdul Alim Siddiqi said about Kanzul Iman in his dialogue with Bernard Shaw: ref.A Shavian and a Theologian
Yes. It also shows the author's inadequacy in basic 3aqidah - gustakhi muaf - but I'm saying it like it is. He has translated verse 5 of Surah Taha to "established on the throne". Ala Hazrat has left it as is, to "istawa farmaya" in the Urdu. In fact, I daresay he might have not even translated from Urdu to English, but might have snipped a few translations right out of the other English one's available in the market. "Established on the throne" is what floats around on most English translations available today and this is what the bloody mujassim wahabis love to propagate as being THE ONLY meaning of istawa. It's not just ONE word, as far as I am concerned. My criteria for a MINIMALLY ACCEPTABLE english translation is that AT LEAST the wahabis' rampant tajseem and tashbeeh should be negated, and if that is not done, then the author is simply not delivering the amanatul ilm and he is better off not writing and publicizing such travesties! The wahabis, if they know, can have a field day with it, one way or another. Even other Sunnis leave it at that. I know for a fact the Turks translate that to "Ar-Rahmân Arş'a istiva etti" (Ar-Rahman performed istiwa on the arsh) OR "O Rahmân (kudret ve hâkimiyyetiyle) Arş'a hâkim oldu." (He, Rahman established rulership/dominance over the throne (by His qudrah and absolute dominance)" The Turkish words "hakim olmak" (hakim HONA) are used in their present perfect tense "hakim oldu" (hakim HO GAYA) and see their meaning: http://www.turkishdictionary.net/?word=h%E2kim hâkim olmak /a/ 1. to rule, rule over. 2. to dominate, predominate, have a commanding influence over. 3. to control, have discipline over (one's emotions, actions, etc.). 4. to overlook, command a view of. I also know Malay/Indonesian Sunnis, as far as I remember, they too leave it along the lines of "performing istawa" and don't give connotations of "establishment" (I don't know Indonesian/Malay, but I had investigated this issue before some time and was delighted to see the word "istawa" left as is)
the english translation by prof. faridul haque is substandard and in many places distorts the meaning - and in the process defames alahazrat. it is misleading to claim that it is a translation of kanzul iman - because alahazrat was conveying the 'meaning' of the verse in urdu. blind translation from urdu to english obviously results in distortion. the reason why alahazrat's translation is superior to others is because alahazrat does not simply translate the arabic words - but rather brings the context and the tafsir of the verse.
An English comparison of A'la Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan R.A.s translation of Holy Quran to other translations: http://www.sufi.co.za/Quran Tranlations.htm
Br. Aqdas, Hazrat has begun recording lessons of the Sahih al-Bukhari for online distribution. I will send the links through as I receive them. In sha Allah.
cynicism - irony - sarcasm are three different words and some believe that they cannot be used interchangeably.
not really brother. I think that what Aqdas was trying to request was that the Noble Shaykh teaching Fatawa Ridawiyya, should be recorded in the same format and distributed online. that is what I understood.