Event Cancelled This Event Has been cancelled Due To Adverse Weather Conditions Affecting Heating And Water Supplies In The Centre. Inshaallah We Will Try To Rearrange It Asap.
The Shaykh Ninowy UK Tour will be streamed live on the internet. At the time of each lecture click on the Shaykh Ninowy UK Tour banner at: http://www.ihsanpath.com For the full lecture schedule visit: http://www.ihsanpath.com/content/Tour.aspx The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain R.A. by Hazrat Molana Mohammed Shafee Okarvi al-Qadri R.A.: http://sufi.co.za/article okarvi martyrdom.htm English Speeches by Hazrat Molana Kaukab Noorani Okarvi: http://englishspeecheskn.blogspot.com