Loving the Loved: 1 million salawat gathering

Discussion in 'Events' started by alHussain, Nov 14, 2012.

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  1. alHussain

    alHussain New Member

    Trailer for the event:


    "We arranged a special majlis of salawat, several of the brothers and sisters in that majlis while they were doing their dhikr, they had ziyarah from the Prophet `alayhi salatu wa'l-salaam; they saw the Prophet sal Allahu `alayhi wa sallam right here, in the masjid."

    Shaykh Faisal Abdur Razzak

    "The closest to me on the Day of Judgement will be the one who recites the most salawat upon me." Jami' Tirmidhi
  2. alHussain

    alHussain New Member

    Sacred Knowledge invites you to an evening of reciting salawat upon the Beloved of Allah ﷺ

    Be part of this special and unique evening by attending and taking part. What a blessing it would be if we could offer 1 million salawat on the night! Furthermore, the salawat pledged in addition to what is recited prior to the event. We would like to request you to come to the programme, invite others insha Allah, friends and families, and try to bring at least one person with you to read the blessed salawat.

    The aim is to achieve a landmark of 1 million salawat by the end of the night, and the programme will be heavily salawat orientated with breaks of qasida's and a few inspirational talks in between.

    Confirmed guests are: Shaykh Muhammad Yaseen, Shaykh Daniel Jackson, Ustadha Safia Shahid, Qari Bukhari, Dr Asim Yusuf, Sidi Nasir Rashid, Sidi Shammas Rahim and many others who will attend insha Allah.

    Qasida's to be recited by al-Musafirun and Manaqib (TBC)

    You can begin to pledge salawat for the event by emailing salawat@sacredknowledge.co.uk or make your pledge below.

    Registration begins after maghrib with the actual programme starting at 16.45 finishing at approximately 20.30

    Food and refeshments will be served.
    Brothers and sisters are invited

    The event will be on Saturday 17th November 2012 at:

    Ghamkol Sharif Masjid
    150 Golden Hillock Road
    Small Heath
    West Midlands
    B10 ODX

    Please be prompt as there is much to read and to attain the target of 1 million we need at least 1000 of you.

    Make it a special evening.

    Free CD's will be distributed in assocation with Remembrance Publications and Shaykh Faisal's Durood Project

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