Machiavellian adjective scheming, cynical, shrewd, cunning, designing, intriguing, sly, astute, unscrupulous, wily, opportunist,crafty, artful, amoral, foxy, deceitful, underhand, double-dealing, perfidious the Machiavellian and devious way decisions were made Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © Harper Collins Publishers 1995, 2002 wonder what prompted him (whoever) to use this word. Our Ulema have all always been staunch, upright defenders of the Truth - providing verifiable evidence.
might or might not in this case. but when you grow up,you will understand that people change their opinions - of course that does not apply to ignoramuses who prefer to wallow in their ignorance and remain adamant. however, trying to pass off the 'machiavellian' comment to fit in this thread was rather ironic. and shameless dishonest. --- i don't know if shaykh asrar's opinion about switching schools is the same as abu Hamzah's in this thread, so i won't comment on a third party's cut and paste.
so faDl al Mauhibi by Ala Hazrat alaihi rahmah is machiavellianism (if the message is in agreement with the view that abu Hamzah is advocating)
Note: it's nearly a year old, that post. Not saying he's changed since then but maybe he'll watch the outcome of this discussion here.