as-salāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh. The complete text of “Madārij an-Nabuwwah” has been uploaded to and is available for download at Please check the homepage or click here to view a list of books uploaded to the YaNabi Digital Islamic Library (YaNabi DIL). The wording of the introduction to the text is as follows: “Madarij an-Nabuwwah” is the highly acclaimed masterpiece on the Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (‘alayhis salatu was salam) authored originally in Persian by none other than the immensely celebrated Indian scholar of Ahadith ash-Shaykh al-Muhaqqiq al-Muhaddith Mowlana ‘Abd al-Haq al-Hanafi al-Qadiri ad-Dihlawi (d. 1052 A. H.). This classical text not only explores the many details of the Prophet’s (‘alayhis salatu was salam) life not covered by other sources; but also every line emanates with sublime love and profound respect for the Beloved of Allah (‘alayhis salatu was salam). One of the outstanding features of this work is its detailed and authoritative language presented in the garb of simplicity thus considerably ensuring that even the layman is able to understand and digest the contents contained therein. Overall, a must read for amateurs and experts alike!