Reference Sidi Abu nibras & Abu Hasan can you please clarify whether the above quotes from M-hidayah are there in Shifa shareef , if yes can you please help me with from arabic version. JazakAllahu khayrun
True, Mufakkir-e-Islam Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani Sahib did a speech a few days ago on Hazrat Ali on (radiAllahu 'anhu) QTV and he mentioned that by celeberating the day of Hazrat Ali, one should not think we do not remember the other Sahaba but said that when the day of wafaat for other Sahaba comes we remember them in the same honourable way!
Masha Allah! Beautiful Farsi poems in praise of Mawla Ali :as: and Sayyidinas Siddiq e Akbar :ra:, Farooq e Azam :ra: and Usman e Ghani :ra: - a Sunni loves them all and will never grow tired of singing all of their praises all of the time. A diseased heart will object to the praises of one amongst any of them.
Do brother M.Hidayah just shoot that in the air. Anyone can clarify whether it is mention in As-Shifa Shareef. JazakAllahu khayrun
zikr-e-shahadat Sayyiduna Imam Hussain Radhi Allaho Anh. and this is how we do zikr-e-ahle-bayt. May Allah's blessing be upon Khulafa-e-Rashideen, ahl-e-bayt athaar, and all other sah'aba and sah'abiyaat or our beloved prophet Muhammad ŞallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam
where? --- i have retained this post of yours to showcase its weird reasoning. cursing others is a lame excuse for not doing anything constructive. and as usual, you are imputing meanings and attributing positions to me which are not mine. 'chest-beating,' by the way, was meant to be an idiom for 'vociferous' or 'vehement' supporters of a cause. i was not thinking of self-flaggelation of the rafidis when i said that. concerning all other lies and false accusations, i can only seek Allah's refuge. HasbunAllah wa ni`ymal wakil.
sorry i was not able to post in the other thread so i will respond to comments made ah about me here: i did not do any chest beating thank you very much (nor is it ok like you say). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) himself condemend yazeed so if you do not like it then that is your problem. Condemning the enemies of the Holy Prophet is to praise the Holy Prophet, condemning the enemies Imam Husain (alaihi'salam) and the ahl al-bayt is praising Imam Husain, and praise of Imam Husain is praise of the Holy Prophet and vice versa: kis zubaan sei ho bayaan-e-izz o shaan-e-ahl-e-bayt madh gowei Mustafa hei madh khaan-e-ahl-e-bayt. (Allama Hasan Raza Khan) well i am sorry ah, as long as the events of karbala are mentioned and read in the books, yazeed will continue to be cannot stop that. you objected at me calling yazeed "paleed" - i showed you from bahar-e-shariat and instead of answering you put a comment on your front page and deleted the thread. I can also show you where it says khabeeth if you can digest it?
hazrat shah ne'matullah wali(r) says: guftaim khuda e har do aalam guftaym Mohammed O Ali ham aan barhama anbiya asat sayyed ween bar hama auliya muqaddam guftaym nabuwwat o wilayat dar zahir o batin'and hamdam aan surat e ism e azam e Haq ween ma'na e khaas ism e azam ay noor do chashm ne'matullah ay mard e mawali e muazzam ------------- all the above are from auliya Allah...if any one wants to pay tributes then please do, so we can have a nice collection for reference.
hazrat jalaluddeen Rumi(r) says: shah e shariatam Ali Peer e tariqatam Ali haq ba Ali haqeeqatam dam hama dam Ali Ali ---------------------- shaham Ali murtaza ba'dash Hasan najm e sama khaanam Husaain e karbala Allahu molana Ali aan Adam e aal e aba daanam Ali zainul abbaad ham Baqir o Sadiq gawaa Allahu molana Ali Musa kazim haftami baashad Imam o Rahnuma goyad Ali Musa Raza Allahu molana Ali su e Taqi ay O Naqi dar mehr e oo ehd e bakhaan ba Askari raaz e bago Allahu molana Ali Mehdi sawaar e akhareen bar khasm bug'shayad kameen khaarij rawad zair e zameen Allahu molana Ali tukhm e khawarij dar jahan na cheez o napaida shawad aan shaha choon paida shawad Allahu molana Ali iqraar kun izhaar kun mola e Rumi en sukhan har lehza sirr e milladun Allahu Molana Ali
hafiz e shiraz says: ba dosti e Nabi O wali asaas nihaad jahan o har cheh dar'u hast khaliq e Jabbar aggar na zaat e Nabi o Wali buday maqsud jahan ba kitam e a'dam raftey hamchu awwal bar nawishta bar dar e firdaus katibaan e qaza Nabi Rasul o wali e'hd Hayder e karrar ze naam uoost mu'allaq sama o kursi o arsh ze zaat e uoost mutabbaq zameen b'deen hanjaar Ali ze baad e Mohammed ze harcheh hast beh ast aggar tu momin e paaki nazar daraigh madaar