Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu ASALATU WASALAMU ALAYKA YA RASULLALLAH Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam Haq Hussain Maula Hussain When Hazrath Abbas The Flag Bearer (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu requested permission from Imam Hussain Radi Allahu anhu to go and fetch water from the river. Imam Hussain asked Hazrat Abbas AlamDar Radi Allahu anhu be patient for the child will quench its thirst in heaven. Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu said that it was a tragedy that he was here sayyidah Sakina and Ali Asgar Radi Allahu anhum should go thirsty, his tongue be sticking out and his thirst not be quenched. Hazrath Abbas Alamdar Radi Allahu anhu said, ‘I am the son of the ‘Lion of Allah’, who had lifted the mighty door of the Jewish ‘Fort of Khyber’, I am going to bring water and quench the thirst of this innocent child.’ Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu draped the leather water container on his shoulders, took his sword in his hand and mounted his horse. He reached the river; rode the horse into the river filled the leather water container, tied the opening spout, and placed the leather water container on his shoulders. Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu took some water to his mouth, but when he brought the water to his lips, he thought of Hazrath Ali Asgar Radi Allahu anhu and he said to himself, ‘O Abbas! It is not fitting for you to quench your thirst before Hazrath Ali Asgar Radi Allahu anhu. First quench the thirst of that innocent child and then only will you earn the right to drink water.’ He then threw the water back in the river, secured the leather water container and untied his horse. As he did this he saw that the enemy surrounded him. He rode through their ranks fighting, but after passing many, the son of the ‘Lion of Allah’ was overpowered. He was alone and they were four thousand. Arrows were raining upon him from all sides, and when he had bled so much that he became physically weakened, they approached him. The ones from the back cut the right arm securing the leather water container on his shoulders and it fell to the ground. Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu picked it up onto his left arm and those merciless enemies cut of that arm also. As the leather water container was falling Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu caught it with his teeth. His both arms being cut he could not wield a sword or hold the reigns of the horse and the leather water container was being gripped by his teeth. As the enemy fired a few arrows, they pierced the leather water container and the water flowed onto the ground. He let go of the leather water container and sighed and said, ‘O Ali Asgar if only I could have quenched, your thirst today, I failed but have a look at my state.’ The enemy dropped him of the horse with spears, and he fell under the horse. They surrounded him and struck him with their swords. Imam Hussain Radi Allahu anhu saw his brothers state and he cried and said, ‘ Now my back has been broken, all my companions are slain and my right hand, Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu has been cut off. I am left supporter less in a strange country.” He ran to the body of Hazrath Abbas (Alamdar) Radi Allahu anhu, whose both arms had been cut off and body riddled with arrows. The enemy had cut off his head and had taken it with them. When he reached this blood-drenched body he cried with loud wails and said, ‘O my brother! You left me also. We had still so much to talk about.’. May countless salutation be upon our Master Sayyedul Mursaleen Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam , ahle-Bayt Al-Athar and Martyr's of Karbala. Zamine Karbala par Fatimah ke phool bikhre hain Shahidoh ki yeh khushbu hain ke sab jungal mehekta hain