More Feminist Kufr

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by CHISHTI, Mar 21, 2018.

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    CHISHTI Well-Known Member

    ...muslim?...want to make a name for yourself or have your blog and opinions trend on social media?....need a government grant or private funding?.....then all you need to do is insult Islam, Allah, The Prophet Sall Allaahu Aleyhi Wa Sallam and hey're the spokesperson for the "enlightened" new breed.. courageous, fearless and ready to expose the patriarchal nature of the religion you claim to follow...what a bunch of kufr laden hell with all of them.
    Nur al Anwar likes this.
  2. Ibn Hadi

    Ibn Hadi Ya Ghaus e Azam Dastageer

    Honestly don't think we should post stuff like that on this forum. It is just emotional ranting.
    We don't need to respond to these types of posts or give them more attention.

    The author is literally too stupid to be worth the time to refute.
    CHISHTI and Nur al Anwar like this.
  3. AbuSulayman

    AbuSulayman Banned

    La hawla wa la quwwata ilah billah.
    That post was pure kufr and disrespect for the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
  4. Ibn Hadi

    Ibn Hadi Ya Ghaus e Azam Dastageer

    This is just typical emotional ranting by someone who never properly learned the religion.
    I actually feel sorry for such people.

    These people never learned the Aqeedah properly or Ilm al Kalaam or Islamic history (and how Orientalists distort it).

    Issues such as polygamy or Islamic laws are always going to be used against Muslims by idiots.
    These people don't actually believe in Allah, no point in listening to them complain.
    Nur al Anwar and CHISHTI like this.
  5. IsmailHusaynQadri

    IsmailHusaynQadri New Member

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